Reunion and Questions

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(Jumping into this... TuT")
[Anyone Seen This song video before? My best friend in my home City Showed it to me A long time ago I almost forgot... ;~;
Ok Let's jump into this chapter! ^W^]

Killer was still asleep and I opened the front door and everyone was on the couch talking about some plan Nightmare and Dream grew silent once they looked at me then so Did everyone else after they saw me holding Killer as he was asleep. "Shush-" I said in a low tone. I went upstairs and put Killer on my bed then went downstairs to let him sleep joining the others in the living room area. Cross, Dust and Horror were crying and Blue, Ink tried calming them down. Dream and Nightmare were talking about what just happened confused. I motioned my brother and Error to follow me outside and the three of us sat outside in silence for a while. Then Error broke the Silence.

"Where, How, When?" I looked at Lust before he answered. "I was walking back from where he and I first went missing and I saw someone put something down I wanted to get a closer look at who the person was I stepped on a twig the person heard me and ran away before I could see them clearly but they were gone so when I went to look at what they put down I saw him sleeping against a tree I don't how it's possible I'm just glad he's back!p" Lust teared up a but looked he Happy. I nodded. "I'm glad to see him back to We all are."

UL Papyrus
I smiled a bit at this moment cause Everyone was happy over Killer coming here I didn't understand the full happiness they felt because I didn't really know Killer I heard a bit about him but not much just then Nightmare Came outside. "Hey Killer's awake guys" Lust shot up makes sense He must be very worried for his friend soon to be lover, we went inside.

I Woke up not knowing where I was I went out of someone's door and once I got to the stairs I heard familiar voices and walked down stairs and they looked at me with either teary eyes or happy smiles. I was in total Shock, Confusion, And Happiness All these feelings were over Welming But when I saw Lust I Started crying and Ran over to him and Just hugged him. "L-LUSBY!" He hugged me back gently And I felt warm and safe. "Kills your awake!" After everyone welcomed me back Dream, Nightmare, Ink and Lust had wanted to Talk to me after Everyone else was asleep. After Dinner Everyone Went to sleep Except Dream, Nightmare, Ink, Lust and Me.

(We going through this again. K=Killer N=Nightmare L=Lust D=Dream I=Ink)

N: Killer what happened after I contacted you in the Dreamscape?

K: Well I sat in the Smokey World Just waiting for yours and Dreams Arrival. And I saw a portal open and thought you guys were here already but it wasn't you it was someone else they knocked me out and took me with them and had me in a Underground basement Chained up.

L: Do you remember who it was exactly?!?

K: Yes, It was Seed!

I: Seed? Hmm... was "Seed" the only one there with you??

K: Nope- Bean was there as well!

D: Ink can you try to find this duo?

I: I can give it a shot but, If This "Seed" Can find Killer Easily in that Relm then there's no being sure if I'll find them at all for all we know they can be living in a Au not from Our exact Multiverse which makes it dangerous Even though I have no soul I don't want to be taken captive if I find them.

N: You can bring Killer to help you look for them tomorrow since it seems like He might have bonded with the duo enough to let him go.

L: I hope that's the Case. Killer, Did they treat you Badly?

K: Well Seed did... when I first met him but Bean helped seed to get to like me I had fun and was treated like a friend after they let me out of the Underground basement.

D: Can you give a bit more info about "Seed" and "Bean" ?

K: Yep, Seed is a sans he wears Green and Bean is a Big SkelePup Papyrus he only wears Pants. Although they Live together they aren't Brothers or Blood Related.

N:Not Brothers that's interesting but understandable. Did you recognize the Au?

K: No I kept overlooking my surroundings but couldn't find out where I was. Plus I was in the middle of the Woods.

I: Everyone Ready to hit that Snooze button?

N: Yeah, sure. *he walks into a room he was sharing with Cross, Dust, and Horror and fell asleep*

D: Uh-huh! *Ink and Dream Went to the Bedroom they were sharing with Blue and went to bed*

L: Wanna Sleep with me Kills?

K: If I get to Snuggle you again then Yes! *Killer and Lust Went to sleep Cuddling in Lust's bedroom*

(This Story is Coming to an End Readers It was a hard decision to make. You'll See)

~KillerSD23 Writing out~

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