Finding a lost one!

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(Gee I dunno where to begin, Jk continuing from last chapter ÔwÔ now comense the finding! Oh and before I forget this there will be no more search parts at least I think for now there's no more idk still thinking)
[Looks like hide & seek]

UL Papyrus
"Hey, I know you ladies are fighting and making drama out of this but we need to go look at the seen of the crime I need all of you detectives to get your asses up and follow me now." I scolded them all with a stern look and made a few of them tremble then I walked outside and waited for them all to follow me then I closed the door and being to walk in a direction towards just outside of the woods and all of the sanses followed. Once we got there I here a faint cry I freeze up for a second and then run twords the cry all the sanses run after me in confusion. I then pause and see My brother on his knees in some jacket that isn't his he looks in pain and doesn't notice me he has been crying for a while but hasn't been here for long I could tell. "L-lust!" I cried and picked him up into a gentle hug he hugged me back and smiled happy to see me: "H-hey bro I missed you" I frown after a while. "Gee your so cold we need to get your warmed up!"

I was happy to see my brother and was shocked to receive a good greeting from all the others sanses I was greatful but I was still in pain and sad. "Take me home bro..." I said on the brink of tears. He nodded: "Ok brother" He started walking twords home with me in his arms I just layer there and let tears slowly slip from my sockets...

My gang except Killer looked for clues but didn't find much but footprints stopping from two different directions then stopping and what seems to be them disappearing out of the blue. Then we all started to head back to the house after seeing no more things to be clues we all agreed Lust was our biggest concern at the moment and he can also help us to find Killer.

We get in the house and everyone sits down on the couch with different or the same thoughts run in their heads. I went upstairs and heard the UL bros talking UL Papyrus trying to calm down his brother while UL Sans was crying and Stuttering out words. I walked silently and hugged Lust and stroked his head and whispered to him "Hey we will get everything done I will be here to support you and so will everyone else so stay strong and get some rest ok?" Lust nodded and layed down then slowly dozed off in his bed. UL Papyrus and I left silently and went into the Kitchen and he asked me a question: "H-how did you know how to calm him down so quickly error?" I nod in a bit of  amusement and smiled "Well when you have two younger brothers you pick up more that a thing or two" He Chuckled lightly and thanked me: "Thanks for helping me out with him anyways I didn't expect it but then again your full of surprises it seems" I nodded and we both went to the living room and sat on on the couches with everyone else.

I looked up at UL Papyrus "will he, Lust be alright alone at the moment?"

UL Papyrus
I nodded at Blue with a small smile. "Yes he will"

I scratch the back of my skull. "So should we sleep on this and ask Lust questions tomorrow?" Almost everyone mumbles thinking it out in the end we all agreed.

UL Papyrus

They all look at me except for Error like I'm their Brother and I'm going to give them something they ask for. I laughed and smiled at them "you know you could have just said something sooner because I have 3 spare rooms and two couches you guys can use and if you want I have some Pj's you can have" they replied with aww cool! And Really?! Are you sure it's no big deal?!
After getting them all their pj's that were a bit to long at the sleeves they sat on the couch and just talked to each other about things.

No one's Pov
Nightmare's Pj's have a pattern of different stars. Horror's Pj's have lavender hearts on his. Dust's Pj's has words on it that say What you looking at? On it. Cross's Pj's has black and white polka-dots on his. Error just has one of Lust's old  plain sweaters that lust never wears anymore and his same shorts on. Blue's Pj's has hearts of every color on it and the background of the hearts is just black. Ink's Pj's has words on it that say I'm with this cool guy ➡️ On it. Dream's Pj's have sandwiches all over it. And UL Papyrus wore a plain light blue sweater with some grey sweatpants. UL Papyrus was all over all of them because how cute he thought they looked. Later after UL Papyrus, Dust, Cross and Error made breakfast for dinner they all ate except for Lust he was knocked out and probably wasn't going to wake up until they got him up. They all went to sleep the Star Sanses all went into one room. Nightmare, Cross and Horror went to sleep in the second available room Error didn't go to any of the rooms or even the last empty one instead he slept on the couch because in his opinion it was better than the bed especially because it would be quiter than upstairs. And UL Papyrus went in his room to sleep. They all slept the night away.

(Ok we will stop here and comense the clues of questions when they wake up. And now I hit 1023 words!)

~KillerSD23 Writing out~

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