The so called "Fight"

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(This chapter most likely won't be so long forgive me for that)
[Again there's music that you can listen to if you want.]

I take a shortcut into Underlust then I spotted lust after a while of dodging monsters with ease. He walks up to me but stayed at a distance from afar and asked what I was up too. As I take out my knife, I reply "Let's have some fun Shall we? Hehe~." I grin at lust.

I seen killer and walked a up to him but stayed afar. I questioned him "What are you up to killer? Why are you here." I noticed he greeted my question with a question. He has a big grin on his face with his knife in hand. I decided to walk away because I knew I couldn't play around with him so easily and at the same time I wasn't in the mood for a fight.

Lust started to walk away so I pulled him back and he fell to the ground i chuckled "Trying to leave now are we? Hehe~ Tsk-" I walked to where he is on the ground.

I sit up as he gets closer to me but he stops and I look around to see-.

(I'm gunna stop this part with a cliffhanger cause of EFFECT Welp hope you enjoyed this)

~KillerSD23 Writing out~

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