Explaining and answering

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(My new favorite word to use is comense)
[Dun duna dun duna music :>]

I woke up with no pain I assumed Pap healed me I was still in Killer's jacket I had almost started to cry but I held it together and walked down stairs seeing everyone still here and they looked and me and were glad I was up I was offered breakfast. I denied eating and just sat down on the couch next to Error just leaning on Error a bit and he held me close a bit and asked if I was ok and I shook my head and gripped onto Killer's Jacket and tear up but Error wipes away my tears away. "H-he's all alone in there and I got to close to the portal and!, and!, and-" I sob and hide my face in Killer's jacket and Error pat's my back: "hey it's alright it's not your fault you didn't know we are going to try our best and get him out of there stay strong Lust."

UL Papyrus
After my brother explained the whole story of what happened to him and Killer everyone asked him questions about what the place looked like? how did it feel? what did you feel when you where in there? Do you think this that? blah, blah- afterwards We all just relaxed as dream, ink and Nightmare were coming up with a plan and how to find and get into the place without getting trapped in it. I stayed by my brothers side just comforting him as he held onto Killer's Jacket like it was something he needed to never let go of or he'd die.

I went to everyone and puffed up  "I have an announcement! We will a plan to get into this smoke dimension as  soon as dream and Nightmare find Killer in the dreamscape!" No one cared much since there was no plan yet....

(A short Chapter but it's ok)

~KillerSD23 Writing out~

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