The 2nd Search

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(Questions will be asked and maybe answered in this part so for the next part idk yet you'll have to see)
[Here look at This picture it has a meaning just like the other one in The 1st Search You get it?]

Horror knocked on the door and we all heard shuffling in the house after that then the door was opened by UL Papyrus He looked down at all of us in shock and Confusion.

UL Papyrus
I was doodling on paper trying to ease my thoughts on Sans but all I could draw was Sans no matter how hard I tried. Each doodle of Sans was different skill of detail which was weird cause I was never interested in art after a while I couldn't bare to pick up the pencil at all anymore. Just then I heard a knock at the door so I got up trying not to wreck any of my doodles of Sans on the floor but I hit the walls and the coffee table near the kitchen. I opened the door and Saw group of five Different sanses in front of me I was shocked by their appearances but was confused why they were here but, I was glad to have company so I let them in. "Come in Please, Glad to have guests. Can I get you anything?"

Me and Cross noticed the doodles on the floor and picked them up and continued to look at them all one bye one in amazement "Wow UL Papyrus did you make these?! They are amazing!" He walked over to us and gave a small smile: "Yes I did I'm no artist just some doodles I made, Call Me anything you want I don't care much" he chuckled patting my arm.

Hmm, I never expected Lust's Bro to be this Cool! "So Pap did you ever think of becoming an artist?" He looked away in a bit of embarrassment and nodded: "When I was little, it was stupid though I don't need to be an artist." Emm, Stupid? "No I think it's a great idea, not stupid Pap"


Papyrus! I-im sorry about your brother,  I hope you two reunite. . .
He nodded and hugged me then we broke out of the hug.

Why do I have to be the one to smash the party?... "hey Guys not trying to kill the moment but I have to kill the moment we are here for a reason" I sigh knowing this isn't a good time to hang out for fun and that we were solving a problem that two sanses where missing and it can get much worse...

UL Papyrus
Hm? So you have questions for me? "Questions? Please ask as much as you need to, I'm happy to answer the best I can" I smile.

(I had to make this one short or it's going to ruin the whole thing)

~KillerSD23 Writing out~

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