One is Enough...

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(We are Almost there Everyone)

Killer, you can't stay or this place will be exposed. I can't let risk Bean to get hurt again he's to vulnerable!... I walked twords Killer and picked him up in my arms. I headed to the door and headed out to what Bean and I know as The Portal of Relams. I stopped thinking back to my research on Killer and which Au he was in last and remembered it was Underlust. I walked into the Portal of Relams and cross through and ended up in the woods and seen s town not far I went to where the woods started and placed Killer down. "Your Back where you belong Killer Take Care..." I sighed and before I headed back I heard I twig snap and a small Skelton was not to Far but I couldn't see them clearly but I got scared and ran back into the Portal of Relams and it closed as I returned home. "That was close, Sorry Bean forgive me but it had to be done" I fell asleep on the couch later.

I started walking back home a few moments later I saw what looked someone dropping something down with a cause I stepped on a twig and whomever it was they were startled by it and began to run into the woods I ran trying to identify the person but they were gone instantly... I sighed then Went to take a look at what that person placed on the ground. And elwhen I looked down I couldn't believe it! Kills How are you here?! I thought to myself and started to cry joyfully and Picked Killer up bridestyle wanting him to rest as long as he could and began walking home happily.

(Next Chapter is going to be a pain for me to write Gee-...)

~KillerSD23 Writing out~

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