Early Start?

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(This chapter is just like a little check up on everyone else Okie so don't expect much from dis chapter)

I wake up and See Dream and Nightmare fighting about the groups of who should go with who. I walked past them and Saw Cross, Dust, and Horror Playing Rock, Paper, Scissors at the Table. My bro was outside talking to Error about whatever. I Teleported outside and walked to the Woods where I was found. I just want My Kills back.... Even if That means I have to stay in that Smoke World with him I just felt so alone and incomplete without him... I began to Cry and I held Killer's Jacket close.... "Why Can't you be H-here Kills!? I need you right now and forever..." It started getting dark and I head back home.

No one's Pov
Lust went to his room. And later UL Papyrus went to Comfort his brother. Dream and Nightmare sat on the couch tired they just finished arguing and had the groups listed. Horror, Blue, and Cross were telling Scary stories. Dust was asleep on the Floor under the Kitchen table. Ink and Error were arguing who Was UL Papyrus's Joke buddy. Later Everyone was Finally Asleep. Morning Came and Lust woke up early everone was asleep still and Lust went back to the same spot near the woods as the other Day. He sat there just thinking of his memories of Killer Everyone started waking up Because Dream and Nightmare woke them all up. Everyone was in the Living room gathered up still partially tired, Dream and Nightmare waited letting everyone wake up completely.

(Sorry for the short Chapter 0-0")

~KillerSD23 Writing out~

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