Who are you???

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(Okie let's jump into this chapter)
[The photo at the top is who Killer is meeting now >Art made by yours truly meh< ]

I wake up to See someone else different from before he looked like a Papyrus but he looked like a SkelePup he had what looked to be like long loose dark green stretchy pants on with a black belt to hold his pants up he did have a shirt on so his ribs and spin were exposed which I didn't care much due to the pain and pressure on my skull still healing this guy was turned around for a while so I raised my Voice a bit as I spoke. "Hey, You! Big SkelePup." He turned to me not to long afterwards and he had something in his fist because his fist was balled up and he came up closer to me I flinched for a moment as he looked at his fist and then back at me and nodded slowly. "Em.. C-can you help me get out-" he started walking twords a table and got a cup Filled with liquid and he came back to me and the cup down infront of me almost and I could see it was just water he clawed at the ground and out of his balled up fist was a single small bean he  put it in hole he made and covered it up and put the water on the spot that the covered up bean was in. I tried to speak to him again. "Hi, I'm Killer it's nice to meet you" This guy froze in fear like he watched his friend die and knew he was next he slowly backed away and his fearful face vanished he came closer to me and Stuttered badly trying to say A whole sentence: "Emm..  um.. Hz-hz... H-h-h-he... huuu. Hmm..      H-ee H- -hello, I-iiiiii .umm mm....... I  B-bbbbbbbbb- bea ... nmm uhss. .... Bean!-" His voice was low and sweet and I nodded in understanding. "You are Bean, Beans your name yes?" He Nodded. "You talk don't talk much?" He Nodded again. "Do you think you can let me out?" He shook his head with a frown and spoke again: "S-seed Saids... iIii umm doezssssss  noo leeetss chu outssss, B-bbbbbbbv Bean- S-sssSrrry" I groaned silently then Bean went into the same closet the other guy did and Bean got out a small bag of Waffles, stool, and another stool. He made a motion with his hands using his magic to lift me up then he put one of the stools under me then set me down. I couldn't move much anymore the chains were weighing me down a bit and Bean sat on the other stool and offered me a Waffle I agreed because I didn't know what would happen if I didn't accept plus I haven't had food for a while. So I him put the Waffle in my mouth and I ate it made him smile.


shared my Waffles with my new friend! His name is Killer I think oh well I'm gonna go ahead and call him Kye! He's nice I wonder if Seed would be alright if I let him off the chains? So we could play hopscotch, tic-tac-toe or eat more Waffles or maybe play with the chalkboard and more fun things! I have to go ask Seed now!!! I take Killer off the stool and put the stools away and pat's Kye's head. "I'll be right back Kye!" I get on all fours and run up the stairs then opened the door and Run to get Seed!

Gee, how innocent is Bean really He calls me Kye? I mean if he is really that innocent then what's he thinking about all the time especially because how shy and quiet he is??? Was Seed that other guy I saw last time? Damn why is everything so confusing ...

(He's gunna meet Seed next how fun- OwO)

~KillerSD23 Writing out~

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