-Lust Sees Da Way-

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(See I told you Soon Lust would see the way)
[Okie so Em music Optional]

I wake up seeing Killer heavily asleep almost. His knife next to him with his thumb on it it scares me still knowing he could Kill me. I huddle up next to him just to warm him up and still warm myself wearing his jacket. "I love you Kills, I hope you do too..." I felt something touch my shoulder and panicked for a second until I saw Killer awake: "I do love you Lusby, your my Angel and my new world" We both cuddle laying down and blushing as well.

I put my knife away then cuddle lust after confessing my love to him and my soul feels different but I feel lighter some how. I don't know but it feels greater than anything I have ever felt! I fell asleep holding lust close then let go of him when I was completely asleep.

I sat up for a moment and yawned and out of the corner of my left eye Socket my attention was caught by a big sorta bright light portal door way I got up and walked up to it and tried to see if there was something on the other side it got me excited that it was Kills and my way out! I shout in excitement "Kills! Come quick I think this is-" I feel a force pulling me in the portal but it feels like angony and feels me with great pain! I scream then I see Killer running twords me scared and worried but then I get sucked in and the last thing I remember is Killer calling my nickname one time and feeling a big sharp splitting pain then every went black after that.

I ran twords lust after hearing him practically shrieking in bad pain and I see him getting pulled back into the Smokey wall like there wasn't a wall there and he was getting strong magic pulling him forcefully. He disappeared before I could grab him- I shouted for him in anger and sadness over and over! I started banging on the wall where he disappeared at but nothing happened. I stopped and sat against the wall crying Lust's nickname and his real name and I cried myself to sleep against the wall eventually. . . .

I woke up in the snow in the woods at my Au nearby to the spot where Killer came to kill me I started to sob remembering a bit of what happened. I tried to stand up but I felt that big sharp splitting pain once again and fell to my knees I yelled and cried in pain for help then my voice started to get lower trying not to cause myself anymore pain I just sat on my knees in pain and in Killer's jacket sobbing not stopping-...

(Ok stopping here, Lust has found da way now but he still needs to be found so... let's get to that shall we?!)

~KillerSD23 Writing out~

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