Mysterious smoke world

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(I have nothing to put here Em... enjoy the story)
[Again there's music I'm gunna stop talking bout that cause I'm annoying qwq" Sorry...]

I look around to see thick soggy looking smoke circling both Killer and I. I thought this is the perfect time to escape from killer so I scrambled to my feet and ran twords the smoke but instead of going through it, I hit myself and fell back again like hitting a brick wall.

I suddenly turned to lust who was on the ground but not in the same spot or direction but I was confused that he hasn't escaped already. "What the hell...." I said in a low whisper. There was something about this smoke that looked weird i reached out trying to move it out of the way instead my hand stayed still not moving the mysterious smoke. "Uh!" The smoke covered underneath Lust and I and the smoke continued to grow rapidly!

No one's Pov
The Mysterious Smoke grew all around Lust and Killer suddenly a smokey green portal opened from under the two skeletons, they fell in and hit the ground without a warning and the portal closed leaving the two in the Mysterious Smoke world stuck together.

I got up off the ground and Teleported every possible way trying to escape whatever this place is! "What the hell!God damn it...." Killer was sitting on the smokey floor that rised only to the top of his feet. I looked at him as he sat there with a blank expression with his knife still in hand he kept one his fingers running up and down the blade.
I hesitated to talk to him so instead I just sat down where I was far away from him.

I noticed lust stopped trying and was sitting down focusing on me, he was only 4 yards away from me.
I took this advantage to get up and run twords him with my knife in hand ready to dust him. Die you fillfy animal!
He Tpd (Teleported) behind me I sharply turned but dropped my knife and lunged at him. "Ready to die lusty boy?!" Then I realized my knife wasn't in my hand! "Shit, oh well I would have had fun dusting you either way with my knife or not but, looks like I'll kill you slowly and tear you apart! Hahahahaha~" I smirked and looked into his eyes "any last words?!"

(Yes more idk i guess cliffhanger suspension, but you guys probably have a idea of what will happen I hope your enjoying the book tell me in the comments section if you think I can improve on anything I will try to make it happen, or just tell my what you think of the book so far sorry if I messed up and thank you.)

~KillerSD23 Writing out~

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