Pain of loss is ending

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(Welp back to the Smokey World with only Killer alone... poor Killer)


I woke up alone without my jacket I was confused at first until everything came back rushing in my mind at once! It hurt to remember all of this and made me almost go back to crying and screaming. . .  I realized that won't change anything instead I sat there trying to ease my mind in the silence.
It got too quite So quite I could here voices of People from different Au's Just a bit I heard them. It was boring to be sitting but, it was better than crying and screaming waiting for nothing to happen. I decided to stop listening to the People's voices and take a nap once I fell asleep I Fell into darkness for a moment then I saw dream helping me up and talking to nightmare whom was sitting on the black floor I looked around noticing that I was just black in here but somehow there was light so I could see Dream and Nightmare! They both hugged me and I hugged them back and was shocked and confused "Where are we?!" Dream answered: "We are in the Dreamscape Killer we came here waiting for you." I nodded getting this through my head. "So what do you need from me? Nightmare replied quickly but clear: "Questions!"
I chuckled. "Why didn't you say something sooner- Hehehe"

(K = Killer) (N = Nightmare) (D = Dream)

N: You ok bye yourself overthere?

K: I'm fine...

D: What does it look like?!

K: Well It looks like smoke that's trapped in a container but I can't move it it's hard but then again it's moving-

D: Like a sort Smoke realm?

K: Yes, Just like that! But I'm calling it the Smoke World

N: We will get you out of there Killer I promise! After we find this place your at.

K: How is Lust?. . .

D: Well... He explained everything that's  good but he can't stop being Very Silent and he blames himself alot about you being Alone in this smoke realm.  Luckily Error and UL Papyrus are able to tend to him.

N: Luckily we can change that because There is only one smoke Relam here in the multiverse.

K: But Dream said-

D: That's Right, Brother what are you getting at?!

N: Well Dream, Killer for your answer There's only one way Killer is in the Dreamscape with us Right now Dream. Killer you are still in the same Multiverse as us or else we couldn't have reached you.

D: Oh Gee I  forgot about that. . . Oops.

K: I-im going Home!

I cried of happiness and hugged them both then I woke up back in what I called the Smoke World and just relaxed thinking about what I will do once they get me out of here.

(Welp that part is ending here but the real ending, You'll see)

~KillerSD23 Writing out~

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