Meeting him Again...

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(Yeeeee Seed is coming in again but, Poor Killer)
[The photo at the top is Seed Whom Killer is meeting Again and Seed is wearing Scarf that stands up but, they aren't ears like Bean has just wanted to confirm that. >Art made by yours truly meh< ]

I heard Footsteps descending the stairs again and saw Bean land from a leap downstairs Then I saw that Guy again... He glared at me unhappily and I finally got a better look at him and I made a small frown of annoyment just by seeing his face. Bean pulled that guy's hand with him, Bean pulled him all the way to me with ease and a smile. Bean let go of his hand and sat next to me.

I sat down next to Kye and looked at Seed. "Seed C-ccc CANSss Weeeee leeetss Kye Owwwuut P-p-p-Please!?" Seeds face went blank for a moment it got me very confused. Then Seed shouted in rage!... "YOU WANT TO LET THIS BASTARD THAT WE DON'T EVEN KNOW OUT SO WHAT THEY CAN F@#&ING LEAVE!?!? WE DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT THEY ARE CAPABLE OF BEAN!  YOUuuu-. . . .." I was Scared Once he began Shouting at me I started Crying softly leaned against the wall hiding my face. Seed apologized for yelling at me and I forgave him, then I leaned on Kye's head and Kye whispered to me softly. "Bean Sorry Seed Hurt you like that I'm sure he just wants to keep you safe" I nodded and looked at Seed. "Seed, I-iiiiii D-ddidn't Uuuuu Unnnderssstands you at first and now I H-Hhas a I-iidea" Seed looked at Kye like he did something before looking back at me.

"Why don't you tell me your Idea Bean" Bean Hesitated. "Wellllll, H-Hhowws bBbb- bout I-ii S-ssss S-showwws chu!" Bean went into the closet under the stairs and brought out magic restraint bracelets and I look at him shocked but Proud. "I like your Idea Bean" I grinned at The one Bean calls Kye. "Aren't Bean's Ideas the best?!" He Chuckled a bit and nodded nervously. Bean gave me the Magic restraint bracelets and I put them on The guy Bean Calls Kye and they Activated right away, I removed the Chains on the Guy and Bean Clapped loudly. "Chu, loooooookSsss Great Kye!" I looked at the guy in Confusion. "Wait is your name really Kye?" He got up and stretched before looking at me.

"Nope not even Close my name is Killer, and is your name really Seed? Because it's doesn't sound like it suits you." Seed got mad it was pretty funny! I knew he probably wanted to hit me because of what I said instead he just spoke with anger in his voice. "Yes- my name Really is Seed you Dimwit!" I laughed for a bit. "I'm sorry I can't take you seriously with your face like that!" He pulled up the sleeves of his hoodie. "Why you little-" Bean interrupt Seed pushing him out of the way and hugged me excitedly! "Kye! L-llleeeetss gooooooo OwwwuutSiiidess annnds m-mmakes a Sssss-snowsmaaans!!!" Bean rushed to and up the stairs the outside and I followed him as Seed trailed behind watching me carefully. Once I got outside it looked like we were lost in the woods So I wouldn't be able to escape or get far on foot like this with these magic restraint bracelets on me. I started to help Bean gather up snow for the snowballs and I have to Admit this was fun, A fun I haven't felt for a very long time with my own Brother/Papyrus.

I sat leaning against a tree watching Killer and Bean have fun making a snowman and after they started playing Tag, Tic-tac-toe in the snow with a stick, Hide-and-seek I kept a close eye on Killer in this game for my luck he didn't run away, They made Snow angels, Played something Called Tickle Monster, and a few more games and I smiled at their enjoyment. Then they had a Snowball fight and later ganged up on me and Started Snowball War! I Won all by myself the game was Fun to play with them especially to see their faces after I Won the Snowball War Hehehe. We all went backing the Underground basement And Before Bean and I went up the stairs Bean Pointed out Killer had no Clothes to change into and he would get cold and sick if he stayed in here all wet like this
I sighed at the thought of Killer not being in the Underground basement anymore. "Killer keep up and follow me" Killer followed behind me out of the Underground basement and onto a small trail. Bean Walked by Killer I got annoyed with them just making each other laugh.

We arrived At a Cabin near a stream of fresh water flowing down it and there was a beautiful field of flowers and plants, Bean ran inside and I just stood there looking at the field. I felt my drenched clothes weighing me down I think Seed noticed because he picked me up right off my feet while I was off-guard and Carried me inside Bridestyle. I felt my face heating up as he Carried me Bridestyle to the bathroom. He let me down on a chair in there. Seed came back with some clothes and a Towel then closed the door. I took a shower then got dressed into the clothes, the Clothes were just some black shorts and a big blue shirt with I tucked the shirt into the shorts and went into the Living room which was right outside of the bathroom Bean was sitting infront of the fireplace they had lit up. I sat on the small couch Trying to stay awake but, the couch was so comfortable that I fell onto the floor Bean helped me back up onto the couch and Seed appeared out of nowhere. "Falling asleep early now are we Killer?" I nod still trying to resist falling asleep. Seed Sat down at the left end of of the couch I layed my body on his legs warming myself and Falling asleep.

Killer layed down on me I pushed him off me gently then put a blanket on him. After Bean fell asleep on his Beanbags, I went to the Kitchen and sat at the table in my thoughts.

(Welp, Back to Everyone else now)

~KillerSD23 Writing out~

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