The new moment

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(Some new feelings come in play ⁰>⁰)
[No picture or music this chapter cause I'm too lazy idk how this book will come out because of my laziness and stupid writing skills]

I woke up taking Killers Jacket and putting it on it was so soft and comfortable, Fluffy! I wondered. Where did he get it? Then I looked at Killer as he was still sleeping sitting up. I thought to myself. That must be hard to sleep upright like that... I got a bit bored and didn't want to bother Killer so I started to Roll around on the Smokey ground in Killer's Wonderful Jacket Happily.

I just woke up to see Lust wasn't at my side any more it worried me for a second but, then I saw him rolling on the ground in my jacket! I didn't know what to say though I was confusedly angry instead I just walked up to him and he stopped rolling around and sat up looking at me with a innocently cute smile. I opened my mouth waiting for words to come out instead I got Chocked up so I sat down next to him and just put on a smile.

Killer's smile looked soft, I think he didn't notice it, but it was very nice to see. I felt Like I was just imagining him smiling like this at me because I have never seen anything like it in all my times making people smile. "Kills, Your smile" he stopped smiling and looked at me nervous and said: "Yes. What about it?" I lift my arm and Pat his head with my hand. "It was so cute! I never knew you could smile so softly kills." I said in Awe.

As he patted my head and said these words to me I could feel my face burning up I didn't understand why, but there was something about these words. They made me feel like I have just finished running a bunch of laps around a field and was resting in the hot beating sun sweating madly!

No one's Pov
Lust stopped patting Killer and noticed killer was Blushing then began to Laugh. Killer stopped blushing and questioned what was so funny? Lust didn't reply and just kept laughing! Killer smirked and started Tickling Lust. This made Lust start Laughing harded and broke in to tears or laughter and a bit of pain! Killer stopped and Lust stopped laughing as he apologized for laughing in the first place Killer forgave him. They started asking questions to each other.

(K=Killer) (L=Lust)

K: "What is your Favorite holiday?"
L: "Valentines Day"

L: "Where did you get your wonderful Jacket?!"
K: "Was a Gift from Us papyrus, he owed me for ripping my Jacket in the first place so he mended it and added some things to it"

K: "Where do you think this Smoke World came from?"
L: "I honestly don't know but, if I had to guess I would say Ink made it"

L: "What is you Bro like?"
K: "Dead but before that I would say I couldn't ask for another brother better then him, I Killed him and everyone in my Au"

K: "Do you think your bro is worried about you right now?"
L: "Yes, he wouldn't see this as normal especially because no one seen where I went to or am"

L: "do you ever regret killing your bro?"
K: "no I don't, I'm not like those other sanses whom would very much regret Killing their Brother"

K: "Do you think we will ever get out of here?"
L: "I-i honestly have no idea"

L: "Can I keep your Jacket?!"
K: "No"

K: "Do you think time goes by fast or slow in here?"
L: "Fast!"

L: "Getting Sleepy As well?"
K: "Yes, let's Sleep for now then"

No one's Pov
They both lay down and fall asleep on the ground warn out just from talking to each other and Being in their thoughts. Outside of the Smokey World was a Sad panicked Brother roaming his Au looking for his Big Brother. As well were a bored and bit concerned group of sanses waiting for killer to return from where ever Boss sent him to.

(I think that went well what about you hmm? Next Chapter Is going to be what is happening outside of the Smokey World. But if you picked that up already  good job and making the conclusion! This Chapter was fun to make because of the questions part, speaking of questions if you have any questions put Em in a comment.)

~KillerSD23 Writing out~

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