The 3rd Search

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(WE ARE BACK TO THE SEARCHES! Idk why I'm excited about this right now...)
[Some Optional music :¹)

UL Papyrus
I smiled in agreement to answer all their questions.

(Nightmare = NM) (UL Papyrus = PaP) (Dust = D) (Horror = H) (Error = E) (Cross = C)

NM: Where did you last see your Brother?

PaP: Here at home With me.

D: did you go anywhere before that?

PaP: Grillby's.

C: Did he say anything about his where abouts?

PaP: he said he was just going to go strolling down town to Grillby's.

H: did you ask everyone in your Au if they saw anything?

PaP: Yes, a few people said they had walked past Lust then got pushed to the ground unconscious but they don't know who or what did that to them.

NM: do you remember the spot the few people said they saw lust at?

PaP: Hm... Yes!

E:Can you take us when the starboys get here?

PaP: Starboys? Em. . . Idk them but yeah, I can.

"Thanks for your answers Papyrus, We should probably get going then don't want to wreck your nice cozy little home." I stood up and motion my gang to head outside.

UL Papyrus
It hurt a bit when they said they should get going, Especially since they are all different Versions of my brother. I didn't want to be alone again at all... "W-wait please d-don't go! I D-do.. - I don't want T-to be a-alone, I don't care if M-my house g-gets messy or wrecked J-just please don't leave me alone!. . . ." I went on the floor begging them to stay as I spoke my eye sockets got teared up and eventually turned into me crying.

I couldn't bare to see UL Papyrus like this because he is still a Papyrus like my bro and I don't want my bro to be sad ever even if he's an alternate version of my bro! So I went to him and hugged him and said things to try comfort him. "Shush bro it's ok Were here we won't leave you alone" And Horror and Cross did the same for different reasons but it helped calm UL Papyrus and that's good.

I seen the way UL Papyrus cried, it reminded me of my Uncorrupted form... I didn't feel what dust, cross, and Horror felt but I knew what UL Papyrus was feeling, and I didn't want someone else have to go through that pain ever again! I walked up to UL Papyrus and picked him up and sat him down next to me on the first couch and to everyone's surprise I hugged him close to me. "I know what your feeling Papyrus, We won't leave you alone until we find your Brother and hopefully my lost gang member that's a promise."

This was all confusing..- I didn't understand why any of these guys understood some feeling for UL Papyrus. I just didn't understand at all but we were staying here for a while so I went to go look for a hiding/alone place upstairs silently. Surprisingly this house had many empty rooms but I found one with a old Cardboard box! I love Cardboard boxes, I got in the box and had a good moment in silence to myself until I felt someone touch my shoulder for a split second I looked to see above me was UL Papyrus and he knew he had my attention as he sat on the bed.

UL Papyrus
I looked at Error with a smile not knowing if he hates me or not for touching him but he was very silent. "Saw you come up here Error, You ok?"
He looked tense but worked up the courage to say something: "Yeah I'm fine. . . I'm confused, how they have some way to pity or understand you."
I smiled nervously. "Well, I didn't understand how they cared at all, Idk what they felt really someone they read me I'm supposed to read sans not the other way around!" Me and Error both laugh he gets out of the box and is siting on the side of the bed while I'm on the edge. We crack a few jokes and stories and eventually I'm walking down stairs with him to the living room, Then the someone knocked on the door I opened it to see three sanses down infront of me. "Oh hello there. Are you three the Starboys?" They replied in almost sync "We are the Star Sanses!" It Wowed me to see this. "WOW! Em, please come in these guys have been waiting for you to show up." I showed them in. (As in he let them in FYI)

As we came in it got silent for a moment until my brother got up and spoke: "Starboys, Dream Nice to see you guys as always. . ." I cleared my voice and had a smile on my face. "Brother, always good to see you! Hehe"

I noticed UL Papyrus looked Puzzled. "What? Cat got ya tongue bud- Hehe" Error came storming infront of me: "Ink, Papyrus is my joke buddy!" I looked him up and down with a smile on my face. "Nope don't look like it to me Error." Suddenly UL Papyruses face lit up with excitement! "Wait you are ink?!" I responded yes then he got evrn more excited! "I heard so much about you glad your here!" I glared at Error. "At least someone does" we all sat down on the couches talking about what we already know now.

(Yeeeee another Search part done)

~KillerSD23 Writing out~

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