The New Focus for Killer

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(The Way Shall be Revealed to Lust Very Soon and this will be a Short Chapter)
[Here have this Shiny picture to look at the top]

After I a while Lust fell Asleep on my lap he looked like he had been very energetic all day, Well What felt like a day, maybe it was more but right now it didn't matter, nothing appeared to matter to me right except Lusby. I don't understand why but I can't take my eyes off of him at all I don't want to so there is something about him to make me just watch him... I touch his skull gently pawing at him and fall asleep cuddling him close.

woke up after who knows how long, but I carefully let Lust down gently, even though he had my Fluffy, puffy jacket that won't let him feel much as if he was to be pushed or dropped. I walked in all around circles slowly just walking along the Smokey wall with one of my hands running along it as I think. Will we Ever get out of here? I'm so worried for Lusby he might one of those people who gives up all hope and goes insane, I mean I'll just get worse being in here, Shessh I'm talking to myself in my mind to much so I Guess I am already getting worse oh well just need that not to happen to Lusby. I walked back over to Lust and sat next to him and started playing with my knife.

(OK there was that, A short Chapter)

[One more thing! Chapter words]

PROLOGUE: 160 words
Getting the Unwanted job...: 377 words
The so called "Fight": 231 words
Mysterious smoke world: 479 words
New Bond: 635 words
The new moment: 776 words
The 1st Search: 940 words
The 2nd Search: 492 words
New person with you: 589 words
The 3rd Search: 937 words
[And this Chapter]
The new Focus for Killer: 334 words
~KillerSD23 Writing out~

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