Chapter 1: The Rescue Mission

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I went back to the entrance to the entrance of the Underground, which also to whoever inside is known as  the exit to the surface, (but why would any monster still stay underground when there's... whatever) 

It feels so weird to be back to the room where there used to be a massive invisible wall, that I helped break. And the person I am looking for is the one that physically broke it himself, I just helped "persuade" him into breaking it. By this point I should've come up with a plan by now, but unfortunately that's not the case "This is going to be a lot more difficult than I thought". I said out loud. I go into where Asgore's throne used to be then I saw him.. Flat center of the starting to welt golden flowers one totally healthy flower. "Hi" I said to the once prince of the underground.


I figured it has been quite a long time ever since I've been to Asgore's golden flower field, so I pop up right in that location when I hear a distant voice; a voice I haven't heard in a while.. The voice said "This is going to be a lot more difficult;t than I thought." It obviously had to be Frisk the one person in the entire world who knows who I am. At first I wanted to leave but I decided to stay and see what they wanted. I feel a single tear in the corner of my eye, as the footsteps get closer and closer, I sucked it up and brought a neutral expression to my face. The human says hi to me. There was some awkward silence between us for a solid minute until I broke the silence when I said Hey back. She knows who I am, and definitely remembers what I told her a few weeks back. "So why are you here?" I said with a quizzical look on my face. "To save you, Asriel" she said. The tears are coming back. "NO, Frisk!" I said as I spin around trying to hide my tears. "I told you there's no way to save me, I'm sorry I can't give you your happy ending." I hear her come closer and kneel behind; she knows I'm crying. "I-I don't know how I'm going to but I know I can, Asriel." I can hear her sympathy towards me. This was when I tried to run away. But Frisk was too fast, she picked me up roots and everything then placed me in a pot she found nearby. "LET GO OF ME!!" I cried as I was being brought out of the room. 


I knew he was about to run somewhere I would never find him, so I acted fast so I quickly scooped him up into a pot against the wall of the throne room. He was screaming things like "LET ME GO" and "STOP PLEASE" while I was carrying him through the underground. I still have not come up with a plan to what actions I should take next. I just hoped I can walk my way into thinking of a plan. I walked through every corridor, every room and every once functioning puzzle, in places I've already been to like The Core, Hotlands, Waterfall, Snowdin, and finally the Ruins, yet still with no plan. I went to the very first room where I met Flowey for the first time. "Ah great memories huh?" I said with a childish grin on my face. "Flowey just looked at me with disdain "Oh right, yeah, the one where I tried to kill you right?" "Great memories huh?" I started to feel bad for him, then I asked him "Flowey." he looked at me and said "Yeah?" "What is it do you want most of all?" I could be on to something here." "To die alone, with no disturbances." He said with the fattest frown I've ever seen on any living being. "Flowey." "Be honest, we're not going anywhere if you don't tell me right now." I said firmly. Flowey heaved a great sigh. "I miss them" He said. "Who?" said Frisk calmly. "You know Frisk, Chara, my best friend, the one I lost." "She was everything to me, not a day passes by without me thinking about her". Frisk breathes deeply at this insight. I try to think how to respond to this, when it hit me. A solid 5 minutes of silence pass when Flowey asks, "Frisk?" I said yes? Even though I totally didn't pay attention to him." "I think of her even though I have no emotion." "I know I think of her highly, but I cannot help but feel like I think of her in another way." "you loved her". I said. "I-is that what that is?" Flowey asked. "I don't know Flowey." I said. "f you think of her higher than anybody else, then yeah that's love, you just don't know it because your soulless, or you loved her so much that even with no soul, there's still a remnant of love inside you."


She was right, I did love Chara. I know I liked her as a friend but, from what Frisk is saying I liked her romantically, so much in fact I can FEEL it. But why does it matter anyway? She is dead thanks to our stupid plan years ago to free humanity. I'm guessing Frisk saw my face of disbelief when she said. "There's still hope Asriel." Hearing my own name makes me want to start balling waterfalls of tears. "W-w-what do y-you mean?" I said between tears. She picked me up and brought me to the room where she first fell. "Th-this is where we used to hang out." I sniffle. "b-but why did you bring me here?" She pointed up. I look and up and I see the sould of whom could only have been my best friend in the entire world. "C-c-chara?" 

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