P3: Chapter 5: Left Behind

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I was so tired. I was god knows how deep in the forest. I managed to break into a few candy stores, and get me a decent amount of chocolate to last me a few nights. My legs were worn. My clothes were dirty, and worn. I try to sit down near a log, I was near a cliff, where I could see my town, including the neighborhood. I look at it. I start to feel sad. "I wish I could have stayed. But I would just weigh you all down." I was hundreds of miles away from it. If I were to walk back, my legs would break. I was about to sleep on a nearby rock when I heard a voice behind me. "Feels bad doesn't it?" I spin around I try to find the source of the voice. I see.. him. He looked suspiciously well after him disappearing. The cracks in his face have lessened. I feel something poisonous inside of me. I reach for my knife. I wanted to stab him. "That expression. You want to stab me don't you?" He was right. "Killing me isn't going to solve a single one of your problems. Anyways if you do kill me, you would end up destroying any chance of bringing Seth back." he said. "What?" I ask. Did he mean that he can bring back Seth? He read my mind. "Yes, actually I have something that you'd be interested to know that I have." He went in his pocket, he pulled out a cannister of some kind. It showed a cyan soul glowing inside of it. It was Seth's soul. "H-How? I s-saw it shatter!" I say. He chuckles. "All it took was a little bit of quantum physics. See when Seth died, I was hiding behind one of the pillars. When you three left, I took a single piece then reinvigorated it so not only could I have a soul again, But I could make a copy of it. Chara if I were to place this soul in Seth's body, I can.. bring him back." I start to feel happy, but I realized something. I realized the reason he did this. He wants to bargain. "You caught on fast. So, here is what I came here to talk about. You defeat me, I'll let you take this SOUL. If you don't however.. heh, well we'll talk about that later." This was so sudden. He came her for another fight? I was in no shape to fight, but for Seth, I was willing to do it. This could be it, I can erase my past mistakes, I could bring back Seth, and everything will be back to normal. I accept, I feel my DETERMINATION flow through me. I pull out my knife, it glows in the darkness. "So, It is done. Get ready to..." A wind flows through the air. He stepped closer. "Breath your last breath." Before I knew it, he used telekinesis to slam me on the ground, and then further into a rock. I see Gaster Blasters surround me, I was bleeding. I try to outrun the blasters but they caught me. My head was spinning, I knew this was going to be my end. Everything I worked up for, everybody I loved.. All of a sudden, as I was thinking of this. I stand up. I didn't mean to, I was planning on staying on the ground, and die. I look at the freak. I couldn't move. It felt like I was being controlled. He was obviously reading my mind. He looks at me curiously. As he was about to send Gaster Blasters my way. I went god speed towards him. I slice. A decently sized gash appeared across his chest. What is happening? None of this was me! Then my vision starts going fuzzy. 


"Guh!" The child STABBED me. And it hurt inquisitively. I put down my blasters then teleport away from this monster. How could she have hurt me? Something tells me that something unholy happened to her. I read her thoughts the entire time. She was being controlled by something. I look at my gash. It looked like it could be treated, But it can't if I'm in the middle of a forest. I look for any sign of a village of some sort. I see lights in the distance. It was a highway. If I teleport along this path I could end up in civilization. So that's what I do. With what little power I have I start teleporting down the street. I could only teleport by a few meters one at a time. I think about how that child started to act towards the end. The eyes went completely black.. and.. My vision was starting to lessen, by the minute. I couldn't teleport anymore. I was just limping. I see the blood trickle behind me. I fall. 

An hour earlier...


"Any of you kids know how to drive?" Sans says as we get in his Corolla. Me and Frisk glare at him. He knows that me and Frisk are still 13. "Just kidding." He chuckles. We start driving. "Look for any signs of Chara." He said as we roll into the streets. It was the next day. Me and Frisk were wearing our classic sweaters, instead of those depressing suits. Frisk was looking to her window. And I looked through the top window. I mainly just stuck my head out so I could feel the wind, and let my tongue roll in the wind. But while I was doing so, I also looked for Chara. After around 15 minutes of the wind blowing in my fur. We see a chocolate store. Cop cars surrounded it. Sans parks. "I see Undyne!" I yell downwards. "Alright, see if you can call her. Because I don't want to get out." Sans said. I frown at that but go ahead with it anyways. "UNDYNE! UNDYNE! OVER HERE!" Undyne looks in my direction. She was eating a donut. She walks over here. "Heya, Punks! What're you doing here? I'm on duty!" She said, while drinking coffee. Sans slowly puts down his window. "We're looking for Chara." He said. "Oh. Well if you want to know, our force is looking all over the block for her. we didn't have any luck." She said sadly. "A-Actually we were wondering what happened to the chocolate store." Frisk said. "Oh! Some bozo broke into this place not a few hours ago. Stole a few Hershey bars. It really wasn't that- Hey wait a minute. CHARA LOVED CHOCOLATE!" She said. We all nod. "You guys are geniuses! I'll catch you guys later! I'll tell the chief!" She said as she ran. "All we have to do, is get a dog to sniff out the trail." Sans said. "The dogs, live at the top of the hill." Frisk said. "Alright, let's go." Sans said. He started the car, we had to go through a highway to reach the road to the top of the hill. It was now, that I realized Sans' disrespect towards the rules of the road. He drives in the wrong lanes, the entire time. We were just about to take a left turn, when we see something on the sidewalk. It was black, and bleeding. It looked oddly like.. "GASTER!" We all yell at the same time. Apparently we were all thinking the same thing. Sans drives the largest Tokyo drift I've ever seen anyone pull in my life towards the fallen figure. "SANS! WATCH OUT!" I yell as soon, as we slam into a mailbox. "You-uh kids okay?" Sans asked. "Yes." We said. The emergency balloon explodes in Sans' face. we couldn't help but laugh. We all get out of the car. We look at Gaster. He was faced down on the sidewalk. He was bleeding. "Let's put him in the trunk." He looked much better than when we saw him in the void. He had a black sweater, and caky pants. Frisk kneels down and puts her finger on his neck. "He's still alive." We all pick him up and place him in the trunk. We pray to God that passerby's didn't see that we just shoved a man in our trunk. "Let's go quickly." Sans said. We get into his car. We end up driving back to Sans' house. Frisk was sent to distract Papyrus as me and Sans carry Gaster into the lab behind. "Ugh! This is-" "Stop." Sans was about to make a pun, until I rescue my sanity. He takes out his key then kicks the door open. We place him against the wall. Frisk came back with food and drinks. "What did you tell Paps?" I ask. "I told him we were hanging out at the movie theaters." He said he'd rather make us popcorn rather than us paying for it. So here you go." She gave us some popcorn and some Coca Cola. Sans takes a look at him. "Asriel, don't you have healing powers?" I start sweating at this. Mom taught me about it but I never used it to it's full potential. "Right?" Sans asked seriously. "Uh, y-yeah.." I say nervously. "Then be my guest." He said. I crawl over to Gaster. His face was much more 'whole' than it was before. I focus. I feel my hands start to glow. I didn't want to see if it was orange or green. But I hear Frisk say "woah" I open my right eye. My hands were glowing green, and Gaster's gash was disappearing. I continue until it was completely gone. I start to realize something. I might've been able to save Seth. A feeling of dread looms over me. "Good job, kid." Sans said. A few minutes pass. Gaster wakes up. "W-What?" He looks at the three of us. "S-Sans?" He says. "Heya, Pop." Sans said. He hugs Gaster. "we did it, you're back." Sans said. "Yes, yes you did." Gaster said. Me and Frisk stay silent. "I'm guessing it's been pretty BONELY." Sans starts laughing hysterically. I look at Frisk. Her face was red from trying to not laugh. I realized what he just said. I burst out in laughter. He chuckles. then his face gets serious. He looks at me and Frisk. We already knew what he was going to say. "I-I'm so sorry. A-About Seth. I was horrible to you all. I tortured you even when you didn't deserve it." This puts Gaster in a whole new light. The way he said that, reminded me of when I didn't have a soul. I look at Frisk. she was looking at the ground. She was obviously thinking about Seth. I think about what he has done too. His mistakes can't ever be justified, but everybody deserves a second chance. Just like me. "I-I understand if y-" "We forgive you." Frisk said out of nowhere. We all look at her in surprise. "F-Frisk, y-you loved Seth. How could you?" Gaster said. Frisk looks at me. "Everybody deserves a second chance." I smile. "Well, thank you." he said. "Pop, we were wondering how you came back." Sans said. "Oh. When Seth died. I caught a piece of his.. soul and regenerated it so that I could use it. Then I could leave the void." He said. I start to get mad, but kept my composure. "However, I created a copy, of that soul. In fact it's right here." He held up a cannister from his sweater. It had what looked exactly like Seth's soul. The anger went away instantly, and was replaced by happiness. "you can bring Seth back!?" I say. "Yes." He said. I look at Frisk, I see tears in her eyes. She hugs Gaster. The only noises were mixed versions of me and her yelling thank you." He chuckles, he looks at Sans. He shrugs. "Alright, Alright. But there is another problem however. Chara." I forgot we were supposed to ask him about Chara. "Chara, was the one who stabbed me. And I am afraid to say that she.." He paused looking at us nervously. "Has turned, into a nearly unstoppable beast." He says. Me and Frisk looking at each other worried. "It was at this moment, that I realized that I have made a grave mistake. I tried to go to your neighborhood, but passed out in the middle of the sidewalk. It was this side of Chara that I was trying to stop, yet instead of preventing it, I triggered it. So the entire time, I was fighting her as Seth, she was speaking the truth." He puts his hands on his face. "How could I have made such a STUPID decision!" He says. Sans puts his hand on his shoulder. "Dad, it's okay. We understand, it wasn't your fault. You were only trying to do what you thought was right." He said. Seeing Sans' faith in his Dad was inspiring. "thank you Sans." He said. "W-What are we going to do?" I ask. "the only thing we can do. Wait. Chara is thirsty for my blood. She's going to arrive here soon. We need to be ready." Gaster said. "Do we go tell everybody?" Frisk asks. "No, it's only going to hurt them. We'll get Undyne in on the plan, and make her swear to not tell, then we'll make her move everybody out of the area." He said. This sounds like a good plan. "The complication however, is that I have no idea how we're going to stop her. Sans you know how much of a pain she is." He nods sadly. "Well, let's not waste any time. If she's walking normally, and is heading towards us. She will be here in approximately 20 hours." He said. We all leave. Sans said that he's going to introduce Papyrus to his own father. I start to worry as me and Frisk head home. I'm going to have to fight Chara? I don't think I can handle that. She's my girlfriend after all. But if fighting her is what it's going to take to bring her back, then so be it. "D-Don't worry about it Azz. I-I'm sure Gaster and Sans have everything under control." She said, but her facial expression said otherwise.

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