P3: Chapter 3: Determination

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Thousands of images flash in my mind, along with them hundreds of scolding voices. "Y-You really hate me that much?" "I-I still believe in you!" "This world will live on!" "Guess that's it huh?" "p-p-please don't kill m-me.." I see all of my friends being murdered before my eyes, I look down at my hands, they've gone completely white from the dusty power. And in one hand was a bloody knife. "N-no! I-I'm not a murderer! I-I'm not a demon!" I yell. The entire room went black. I knelt down on the floor, I could only see my red soul glowing. I was crying. I'm not a murderer. What is happening to me? I hear a demonic chuckle. "So you say. But don't deny what you have already done." "W-Who the hell are you?!" I yell. "I am the one who looks beyond the shadows. I am the one who decides the fate of this world. I am the forgotten." I don't even bother trying to understand what he just said. "Dear girl, my identity is of no concern to you. If I were you I would be much more concerned about something else going on." he said. "Speak, or I will cut your throat." I said threateningly. "There! That is your problem. Your over eccentric with your anger. You may not realize it, but you are hurting those that you love with this." He said. "Who, are you to tell me to control my anger? My affairs are none of your business!" I yell. "Unfortunately I would have to disagree." I see a horrifying figure appear before me. His eyes light up in the darkness. "I have seen you befriend everyone, and kill everyone. I have seen you create new timelines, and destroy old ones. Your destructive behavior is a blockade towards my own affairs. SO DON'T TELL ME THAT IT'S NONE OF MY BUSINESS, WHEN IT CLEARLY IS." He portrayed a horrifying look on his face. His eyes glowed and his smile turned into a gaping grin. I couldn't do anything but watch him horrifyingly. "Hmph." He frowned then disappeared. "Where are my friends? Where's Frisk? Where's Asriel? Where's... Seth?" I ask. "Your friends are beyond your reach." He said. I start to get frustrated. I did not like whoever this was. "It's about time you paid for your sins against this world. You see.. Chara. I did not send Seth to befriend you and your friends, I sent him for the soul purpose of annihilating you. Yet, I made the miscalculation of failing to acknowledge his soft heart." What? He sent Seth to kill me? I couldn't understand. "Your brother's soul was a very interesting soul to observe. He had a power.. A power to see the future, as you would call it. Not only that, but he could see into other people's minds as well." I knew this already as I encountered it when I was talking to Seth about timelines. "Chara, I dubbed the trait his soul possesses as WILLPOWER. After a little bit of investigating I soon found out that his 'Willpower' is just as powerful as your determination Chara. And that's why I decided to.." he trailed off. "What." I said. "Well, Chara ever since two of my mercenaries failed to defeat you... let's just say, I took matters into my own hands. The room became bright. I was in judgement hall. I see on the other end the figure and... "Seth!" I was about to hug him until a pair of black tentacles excreted from the black figure. "Oh no, this is no longer the Seth you know and love sweetheart. This is a totally new Seth." He said. I look at him confused, I take a better look at Seth. The pupils in his eyes are not cyan but a light grey. He looked up at me, he had tears in his eyes. "C-Chara, I-I'm s-sorry, I-" "That's just enough out of you boy. Now let us begin." said the figure. I was about to retort as a response, but I see the figure wrap his tentacles around Seth with a horrifying look on his face. "L-Leave him alone!" I try to yell. But it was too late, the figure shrunk until he was nothing but a black ball and went into the black mess that used to be my brother. I had no idea what was going on, I wanted to stop him, but I didn't know how. As fast as it had started, the black blob that had consumed Seth had disappeared. What appeared in front of me was Seth, but I knew something was wrong. "Heya Sis, you missed me?" he said. I was speechless. His eyes had two cracks going along his face. A crack going down came from his left eye. And a crack going up went on his right. I start to realize what happened. This guy possessed Seth. Oh God no. "Haha, not a quick learner huh? It's fine, this lesson will be quick." His eyes went orange and blue. I see an army of gaster blasters and bones ready to be launched at me. "I don't want to fight you Seth!" I cried. "Oh. Well guess that makes my job easier huh?" the nightmare weapons head my way. First were the bones. They curved and went this way and that, it was like an ocean current. I tried my best to jump over them, But I had no choice. I pulled out my knife and hacked and slashed at the bones. I see Seth's smile get larger. he points the blasters to face me. I run at him at full speed. the blasters are following me. "Get out of my brother!" I cried, I slashed at him hoping he would be alright if I hit him. He didn't even get hit he dodged it like it was nothing. "Heh, you think I would just stand there and take it?" I get flashbacks to Sans. I start to get unbelievably frustrated. I had to find a way to get him out of Seth without hurting him. I try to bring up my mercy option, but before I could press it, several bones went through into it, destroying it. Now this was when I realized I had no other choices, I had to fight him. My knife shakes in my hand. I look up and see more and more bones enter the atmosphere. God, not even Sans used this much. "All those friends you killed, was it out of frustration?" he asked as he hops on a blaster then nearly burns my hair in the process. "Or was it that you were too stupid to realize the consequences." Another pair of bones ruin my day. "Papyrus." more bones. "Undyne." Blasters. "Mettaton." More and more bones. "Sans...." As a plethora of blasters attempt to take my life, I see Seth's expression change a bit. I knew I was close. I had to find a way to reason with him. "All my life, I've been stuck in that void, watching all of you mess around with the timelines like they meant nothing." Another blaster. "I watched you tear away at everybody I loved." *Boom* "Everybody I care for." *Bones* "I won't let you touch another timeline." I was hurt. A few bones made their way into my back. I wasn't bleeding but I was about as bruised as an apple, that was slammed into the wall numerous times. This was also when he knew that Seth has telekinesis. He slammed me into the ceiling the floor, the, left, and right walls. This hurt so much. But I had to live for Seth. I looked at him. He had an expressionless face, and showed no sign of being tired. This was it. He's going to win. 


Frisk: Oh my God! He's going to destroy Chara!

Asriel: There's no way she can beat him, he has Seth's soul too. 

Frisk: Please Chara! Stay determined!


*Asriel and Frisk turn around*

Both: SETH!!!

Asriel: Seth! you have to do something! Chara's getting destroyed!

Seth: Ugh, don't you think that I know that? I-It's all my fault. I w-was too weak. I couldn't stop his plan. 

*Asriel and Frisk hug Seth*

Frisk: Don't say that! It's not your fault!

Asriel: Guess all we can do is watch, and hope for the best.


"I can feel it, you're giving up. Oh and I forgot to mention don't think that you can escape to your save file. I completely eradicated that ability from you. So if you die..." He walks up to my bleeding, shambling body, I was on the ground crying. "P-Please." I cry. He put his bony hand on my face, and makes it so I had to look up at him. "GAME OVER" he said, the pupils gone. I couldn't do anything. I tried to stab him with my knife, but to no avail. "Haha. Goodbye, sister." I see gaster blasters completely surround me. I couldn't run. He was about to snap his fingers in command until I say. "WAIT!" He stops. "I-I don't know who you are, but I know somewhere d-down there, th-there is a good person. S-Someone that wanted to show the world he meant something. S-Someone who felt compassion, kindness, happiness, l-love." He puts his hand down. "You must have had someone who you loved, and loved back." I say. Seth stands still. 


"Wh-what's happening?" Asriel asks. "I-I don't-" then all of a sudden, I'm teleported into the judgement hall. I look down and see that I'm back in my body. I am overfilled with joy. I smile stupidly. "I'm back in my body? YES! Chara I-." then something happened, I feel a sharp pain in my stomach. It burns. I fall on the ground. "Guh! *Cough, Cough*." I felt a liquid escape from my mouth as I coughed. I look down onto my stomach. There was a huge gap, with.... blood.


Oh my God I hit him. Oh my God. No. I drop my knife, he's.. bleeding. I kneel on the ground in horror. "Ch-Chara.... why?" I look at his face. It was totally normal, the cracks were gone. This was when I realized something. I attacked him as soon as the freak left his body. no-no-no. Please tell me this is not happening. "I didn't, I-I-I didn't!" I see Seth look up at me sadly. I hear something fall behind me, it was Asriel and Frisk. They look at me and Seth, they see the blood on my knife. "Oh my god." Asriel said. He fell on the floor, with his hands on his mouth. Frisk stood there like a statue. She looked like she was going to cry a waterfall. She ran towards Seth, not acknowledging I was right in front of him. She hugged him, crying into his shoulder. "No! S-Seth! Please don't-" Seth put a finger to her mouth. Asriel went to his side. He hugs him too. simply by instinct I hug him too. We were all crying. "Seth, no please!" I yell. "Seth.." Asriel said. "I... *Cough* love you guys so much." We cry even harder. "I need you guys to know something." We all look at him, all our eyes were bloodshot. "d o u b l e, u, D, g a s t e r..." He fell on the ground. His eyes went black. 

He was gone.

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