Author's Note

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I originally put an epilogue here, but decided to remove it because it had vital info to my future fanfics. If you all want to know my thought process of making this fanfic, I pretty much sat down made myself a Wattpad account and decided to let my imagination flow. JK I actually spent a while thinking about how the characters and story will go. I pretty much just wanted to make an undertale fanfic, which focused on more than just our main, lovable characters. I know about people's opinion on OC's so I really thought about how Seth and Reid would play into the story. (If you didn't understand where I got their names from, RESET, Re, Set. Reid, Seth! eh? Anyways I  targeted Frisk, Asriel, and Chara. I tried to make it so that Seth could relate to all of them in numerous ways so that they can all grow nearly unbreakable bonds. Emphasis on nearly. ;) Chara and Seth are biological siblings so they would have many similar interests, such as their love for chocolate. But also many differing interests, such as Seth's love for Snickers, and Chara's love for Hershey's. Asriel has never had a brother before, and having Seth along side him made him look up at him just like any other little sibling. Frisk also fell in love with Seth when he showed her his compassion and care for his friends, which is something she happens to have as well, (when Seth saved Frisk in the Gaster room.) And of course there is Reid, Asgore's old running buddy, who returns in demon form to take vengeance out on everyone. If you all are wondering.. no this is not the last you'll hear of his name. Next book I'm doing probably is going to focus on Seth, Asriel, Frisk, and Chara's high school life, taking place right after this book btw. So if you're sad about Willpower ending get ready for my next book. 'UNITY' Sounds cool right? Alright sorry to leave you all waiting, I'll be releasing the first page soon. See you soon. 

                                                                                                                                                                - Quacker Zach

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