P5: Chapter 3: Death by Megalo

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It's been a few days. Today Chara is supposed to be released. We were really excited. Me, Frisk, Mom, Dad, and Sans were all waiting in the reception. Before any of us knew it we saw Chara exit the room. "CHARA!!" We all yell. Except for Sans, he looked like he had something on his mind to say. I just ignore it. Me and Frisk go up to her. I hug the hell out of her. "Owowow. My torso is still sore Azzy." She says. "Oh sorr-" I was about to say, until she kissed me on my lips. "I just said that so you will put me down." She said giggling. I blush. "Well all that matters is that Chara is okay." Dad says. "So we going home?" Mom asked excited. "Uh, Tori we uh need to t-talk about s-something." Sans said. "A-and it's best that we all hear this." Sans said sweating. "Well, Sans if you had something urgent to tell us, then you should have told us." Dad said. "Yeah well sorry about that, so what I wanted to tell you guys is that our neighborhood has been attacked." Sans said. We all gasp. "What?! By who?!" Sans said. "uh, bandits." he was clearly lying. I'm pretty sure Mom and Dad didn't catch it though. "Where are we going to live then?" Dad asked. "There's an apartment complex not too far away from here that Alphys has registered for everyone." Sans says. "There's no way they could've gotten past Undyne." Mom said. Sans started to sweat profusely. "Right Sans?" Mom asked. Sans looked down on the ground. "They got Undyne." He said. We gasp once more. "D-Do you mean?" Frisk asked. "She's dead. I was there." We all look at each other nervously. "Did you try to stop them?" Chara asked. "There, there were too many, hundreds even." Sans said. This was when me, Frisk, and Chara knew he was lying. Knowing what he was capable of, he can wipe them out in seconds. "I-I got us a bus." He said. We all nod sadly, then head out the hospital doors. What in god's name could've killed Undyne? She was so tough! Whatever this thing is Sans is scared of it. Every now and then Sans would look at the three of us nervously, as if he was holding back telling us something world-shockingly important. I try to ignore it. I'm pretty sure Chara and Frisk are just as suspicious as I am. We all take a seat in the bus, and we start going. I was next to Chara, and Frisk was in front of us. Sans was right next to me. I try to do sign language to Chara and Frisk. 'Sans is weirding me out' I say. 'I know there's something he's not telling us' Frisk said. "You guys do know I've mastered sign language right?" Sans said. We all start to sweat. "Guys, my dad's name is Wing Ding." He said. "Of course." Chara says. 'Look I'll tell you guys later, but now Is not the right time' he said. We all just stare at the floor. Eventually we end up at the apartment complex. "Jesus, this place is beautiful!" I hear Chara say. I see numerous well-crafted brick buildings, and a waterfall not too far away. "Golly, how much did this cost?" Dad asks. We see Gaster walk up to us in Hawaiian-looking clothing. "Oh! The Dreemurrs have arrived. Please follow me, I'll show you all to your rooms." He said while taking a sip of his margarita. As we were walking down the huge hallway with several classic paintings on the wall, we ended up in our rooms. There was a water-fountain that marked the path from our room to Mom and Dad's. "To think this was all funded by the U.S. military." Gaster said. Sans went up to his Dad and whispered in his ear. "Oh yes, we uh need to tell them that right away." He said. Him and Sans follow us into our rooms, and we see Mom and Dad go into theirs. "Please sit down." Gaster said seriously. We do so. The velvet bed's we were provided were pristine, and incredibly soft. "So as Sans has already told you, your neighborhood was attacked along with your home." He said. We all nod. "And remember when I told you guys it was hundreds of bandits?" Sans said. Gaster and Sans look at each other. "It was Seth." He said. Chara who was laying down immediately shot up. "S-Seth? He he?" She spluttered. Him and Gaster nod. Chara put her hands on her face. She looked incredibly upset. We all are. I feel like I was going to pass out. Why would he do this? This can't be true. "According to Sans, he has acquired picture perfect reflexes, and a weapon just as powerful as Chara's knife." He says. "W-What is it?" Frisk asks, as Chara stares at her red knife. "A cyan-colored Crowbar." He said. I see Chara had tears on her knife. I go to her side and comfort her. She hugs me as she cries into my sweater. Gaster and Sans had sad looks on their faces. "We, we're incredibly sorry." Gaster says. His eyes light up a cyan color. "W-what are you going to do?" I ask. "We're going to eliminate him." Sans said. "What?! No!!" The three of us say. They just look at us sadly then teleport away. Chara kneels on the floor. "It's all my fault. It's all my fault. It's all my-" I put my arms around her. "Stop saying that Chara. It's not your fault." I say as I gently brush her hair. "YEs It iS! HE-he's still mad after what I did so many years ago." She says. I don't know how to respond, and neither does Frisk. All we could do is sit and wait to see what happens next.

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