P5: Chapter 5: Dreams

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I-I'm not dead? I look at myself. I was wearing a jacket that was colored similarly to my sweater. I look behind me to see wings? They were pretty too! They were transitioning with all the colors of the rainbow. I look to Reid. I remember my morals. "W-What are you?" He asks me inquisitively. "You can just call me a True Pacifist." I say. He smirks. "I sense an amount of determination nearly impossible resonating from you. Once I take your soul I'll show everyone the true meaning of this world!" He says. "Not if I had anything to do about it." He laughs at me. "Hah! And what are- What is that?" He asks. I took out a button I haven't used in a while. SAVE. "You'll see." I say, as I click it. What he doesn't know is that every time I click it, a wonderful memory from the deepest reaches of his soul becomes acknowledged. I see him fade into whatever memory he encounters.


A flash of light enters my vision. I see me, and a young goat boy in a playground. "Ha! Look at you a monster!" said some blonde kid, who was flailing his tongue at him. I continue to eat my lunch while ignoring it. "Ooh, look at me! I have horns! I am so coooool." said another one. I look at the poor monster. He was being kicked in the sides. I couldn't sit here and watch. I throw my sandwich at the taller kid. I then kick the other two down, then tying the leader with a rope. I put out my hand. "You okay?" I say. "Yeah." He replied as he gets up. "W-what's your name?" Asgore asks. "Reid." I say. "Reid huh? That's a nice name. My name is Asgore." He said. We smile at each other. The vision ends. I fall on the ground. "w-what did you do?!" I yell at the child. "Just a little mind jogger." She says as she shrugs and winks. I start to lose my temper. I aim my gun at her, but then she presses her button again. "Ahh!" Another vision invades my mind. "C-come on Reid! I-I don't wanna!" Asgore says as I shove him towards a goat-girl. "Knock em dead darling!" I said. I pat him on the back. He blushes a bright red. "T-Toriel? D-Do you want to uh.." He looks at me. I wink at him, while giving him the thumbs up. "G-Go to the dance with me?" He says. "Oh, uh sure!" Toriel says, as she blushes too. She notices me slouching behind a pillar. When Asgore went to the bathroom, she went up to me. "Thanks Reid." She says. "You're welcome." Apparently I was part of a mastermind plot to get them both to see each other. The vision ends. I feel something wet rolling down my face. I touch it. They're t-tears? I look at Frisk angrily. "St-stop it." I say. I manage to shoot my gun. But my hands were so shaky that I miss her by about a mile. She presses the button again. Another vision fills my head once more. "Heh! Watch out Asgore!" I yell, as I throw snowballs at Asgore. "Prepare for War!" He yelled laughing. I throw one at Toriel's fort. Only to be smacked in the face by one of her snowball's "Tori!" I yell. i hear her giggle. "Nice one Tor-" Asgore's face gets hit once more. "Tori why?" He says laughing. "I don't team." She says. Me and Asgore look at each other on the ground. We both knew what to do. I ran over to Asgore's fort, and we tag-teamed Toriel. "AAHH!" She yells as she's buried in snow. "bull's eye." Asgore says. We high five. The vision ends. I couldn't even stand up straight. I was crying too hard. Frisk took this as her chance to unleash her final attack. Another significantly bright flash of light engulfs me. "Why'd you bring me here Reid?" Asgore asks. "Because of this my friend." I say, as I show him the vast city before us. "G-Golly is that home?" He asks. "Yes it is. But that's not what we're her for." I say. "Your parents thought it would be a good idea if I did this." I said. He looks at me concerned. I pull out his crown, and cape. He gapes at them. "Th-the royal crown?" He asks me. "I Reid of butt-land initiate you as KING! of ALL MONSTERS!" I say triumphantly. He laughs himself silly. "you really are something special aren't you Reid?" he says. "yup!" I say as I put on my cloak and crown. He smirks at me. "And what are YOU the king of?" He says. "King of.." I say waiting for him to continue. "Butts?" He asked. "Yessur!" I said. Asgore hugs me. "I could never be more thankful to have you as a friend Reid." He said. "I hug him back. "Same her buddy, same here." The vision ends. I was sitting still, I was crying uncontrollably into my sleeve. I was no longer covered in armor, I was just wearing a simple turtle-neck sweater. I hear Frisk approach me. I had no words. I realize how horrible I've been acting. I realize my mistakes. I realize that I've hurt everybody that I love. I bury my face in my hands. "F-Frisk, I-I'm s-so sorry." I splutter. The most unexpected thing happened. Frisk hugged me. I try to push her away but I was too weak. "P-please Frisk, I-I hurt so many of your friends. Undyne, Mettaton, Papyrus, Gaster, Sans, Asriel, Chara.. Seth.. Asgore." I feel like my heart was going to explode knowing that I killed my best friend. "It's okay." She simply said. I couldn't say anything back. I just wanted to see my best friend, no, I wanted to see everyone happy. I've caused too much pain and suffering to everyone. I stepped away from Frisk. "W-What are you doing?" she asks. I raise my hands in the air. With what WILLPOWER I have left I could reverse everything that I've done. "I'm going to make everyone happy again." I say. A beam of power escaped from my hand, it exploded into the sky. All the surrounding clouds turned Cyan. I feel myself getting weak. Frisk was staring at it. I feel like every last bit of my body was deteriorating. Until I feel something grab my arm. I look down, it was Seth. "Together." He said. I smile at him. We both use our willpower to transform the sky into nothing but a cyan hue. This was it. I was done. Once I finish this reversal, I will be no more. I look at Frisk, Seth, and Chara who just woke up. I grin at them. "Tell Asgore, I said thank you." I then felt myself fading.

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