P4: Chapter 2: Hopes and Dreams

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I see another blinding flash of light. That wasn't from either me or Chara. It came from.. Seth? I look to where my bro once was. I see a tall figure, dressed in a cloak of some kind. He was dressed like.. a pirate? He wasn't a skeleton anymore either. He had an intimidating beard, and had numerous swords and guns on his pelvis. He looks at his hands, then he looks at me. I float down towards him. "Yarhar, I'm the GOD OF HYPER-REALISM, and what say yours be?" I can tell he wasn't actually talking like that. I just chuckle. I play along. "God of Hyperdeath." I say. "charmed." He said. We hear maniacal laughing behind us. "FOOLS! YOU REALLY THINK THAT YOUR STUPID FORMS CAN STOP ME?" Chara yells. Me and Seth face her. "Hey, those souls came with something special." Seth said. I look at him. "Follow my lead." He said. I nod we both jump towards Chara. Chara's face was nothing short of terrifying. She darts towards us. Seth lands behind her and blasts her with something rainbow-colored. She falls to the ground, she's on her knees. She looked like she was experiencing something inside of her. "What was that?" I ask him concerned. "Flashbacks. each of the seven souls have pivotal information stored within them to remind her of who we are. We have seven good shots before we run out of flashbacks." I understood. I saw Chara get back up. "W-WHAT DID YOU DO?" By the time she spoke Seth was nowhere to be found. I flew to the top of the dome, I blast her with one of my flashbacks. She falls on the ground once again. "GUH!" she said. Seth appeared as she was trying to get back up. A flashback went straight into her face. "S-STOP!" She attempts to run. I blocked her path, then sent another one to her. She tries to block it but it phased right through her knife. "W-What is this feeling?" she said. Her eyes went normal again, but I knew we weren't done yet. She gets up. Seth does a 360 towards her and *BAM* another flashback. I decided to have a little fun with this. I ready two flashbacks at once, and send them her way. They were spinning around her at incredible speeds, so she couldn't even keep track of them. Me and Seth look at each other, then grin. We were both thinking the same thing. We went up to the top of the dome, then put every last bit of flashbacks in our hands, we combined them all into one single ball. "Ready?" He asked. "ready." I said. We charge it, then send it at the speed of light towards Chara. I can just make out her trying to slice them away, but there was no way she would be able to stop this. There was yet another blinding flash of light. I open my eyes, I see the night sky. There were hundreds of beautiful stars. I get up, I see Seth woke up at the exact same time. We look at each other. He was a human. "So that's what you really look like." I say. "Yup." He says. I see Frisk not to far away from us. She just woke up, I see her rub her head. We look around. We were on top of Mount Ebbot. We can see our neighborhood miles below us. Then I remembered Chara. I look around. I see her dead center of the mountain. She was crying. Seth noticed her too. We both walk up to her. "*sobs* I-I'm s-so s-sorry. I-it, it-" She didn't have to say anything else. We both hug the hell out of her, not a second passes when Frisk joins in too. We were all crying like idiots. "C-C'mon guys! I-I don't d-deserve such h-hospitality." She wines. "Heh, w-well you're getting it either way." Seth said. We were standing there for what was possibly 20 minutes. We finally let go. We wipe our tears away. Chara sits down on the ledge of the mountain. She stares at the stars. We all join her. "How pretty." Frisk says. Chara lays her head on my shoulder. And I see Frisk lay her head on Seth's. I hold Chara's hand. I'm so happy. I'm finally back with Chara and Seth. I have a feeling that everything will be ok from now on.


I didn't deserve it. I didn't deserve their kindness.. their love. But I received it anyway. Which made me feel so happy inside. I'm finally back with Seth and Azzy. I couldn't have asked for more. I start thinking. I have a lot of people to apologize to. Mom, Dad, Undyne, Gaster. Especially Gaster, Seth explained exactly what were the source of Gaster's motives, and I ignored them, I guess I should apologize to him too. I lay my head on Asriel's shoulder. I felt like I could fall asleep right then and there. But I didn't. I start to wonder what time it is. It said midnight. I guess that huge black ball we were all in, had some kind of time travelling aspect to it. I look at Seth. He was back to being  a human. Then I realize something. It was the souls that kept Asriel in his true form. Then he turned back into Flowey. "Seth?" I ask. "Yeah?" He says as he turns to me. I see Frisk laying her head on his shoulder. It was so adorable. "Won't you go back to being a skeleton?" I ask. "nope! all I needed was a little extra soul power to bring my organs back. According to Gaster not only will that be back, but I get to keep my magic!" He said. I look at him. "Every single one?" I ask. His right eye goes aflame. "Does this answer your question?" He says. I giggle, and punch his arm. "Ow! jeez, I have skin for 5 seconds and it's already bruised!" We all laugh. "Alright, we should all go home." Azzy said. We all agree, then start heading home. 

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