Part 5: Chapter 1: Out of Options

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Oh god. What have I done. Reid appears again. I could never have been less excited to see him. "You sack of shit." I say. "Are you happy? Forcing me to put my family's blood onto MY hands?!" I yell at him. He just smiles at me. "We'll talk soon, right now, you need to run. Go deeper into the forest. I'll guide you." He says. I sigh as I go. He tells me to take several lefts and rights. We eventually end up at a place of ruin. It looks like this place hasn't been used in decades. "What is this place?" I say impatiently. He floats down to a rock. "This is where me and my old buddy used to play, and live. We had a fully functioning school, a library, a-" "sorry to ruin your nostalgia trip, but we need to discuss the topic of the killing of the ones I loved." I say. "Don't be so stubborn, just listen to what I have to say then we'll talk about it." He says back. "Fine." I say. I lay over on a bed of flowers. "As I was saying. This town was incredibly prosperous. My old buddy was a monster.. a goat-monster of some kind. We used to play pretend when we were little all of the time. We were best friends for around 20 years until, he was promoted to king of the monsters. He ended up being so caught up in his work that he had no time to hang out with me. Then the monster vs Humans war happened. What made me and him so close was our magic. I was a very special human, i could perform magical tricks with my Willpower. It was on one day, when the final battle between me and him would take place, I was with 7 other magicians we were planning on trapping the monsters under Mount Ebbot. But I ended up meeting him on the way. Our people surrounded us fighting. All I could remember was us sharing our cold stares at each other. Knowing damn well what the other was capable of. We both knew this wasn't going to be an easy fight. All I remember was him saying "goodbye, my friend." Then a huge trident came out then fire surrounded me. I wasn't prepared for this and I ended up dying from it. I have been asleep ever since that day, and I have been reawaken by you Seth. Your WILLPOWER was so powerful that it brought me back from the dead." He finished. I had no words for this. What would happen if I told him that the friend who killed him so long ago, was my adoptive father? I decide to stay quiet, then focus on the subject at hand. Before I could say anything he spoke for me. "Seth. I wanted you to kill Chara because.. I don't want what happened to me to happen to you. You are very special, you are the last human to weld willpower ever since me. And if you die, god knows how long it will be until the next one arrives. I knew what she was capable of by my education of determination back at school. I didn't want you to kill Asriel and Frisk with her. I knew they would end you with her. Especially Asriel." This was all sad to hear but I feel that there is something else. Something else he's not telling me. "That's not it is it?" I say. "What do you mean? I just told you my life story." "No, no, no, it's something about Chara that you dislike isn't it? It's almost as if you WANT something from her!" I say. "Ugh! Fine! Do you want to know the REAL reason I wanted to kill Chara? I want POWER I want CONTROL over the timelines!" He says. "That's why I went after Asriel, and your stupid girlfriend! The power over the timeline was split between them!" He says. "Wait, so just killing them would just simply GIVE you power over the timeline?" I ask. Because I remember hearing something about Chara, Frisk, and Asriel having split power over the timeline because of their. "Determination!" Reid yells. "What?" I say. "You heard me! All we need is their DETERMINATION we didn't have to kill them at all!" I lose it when he says this. "THEN WHY DID YOU KILL THEM?!" I ask more mad than I've ever been in my life. "It was a minor miscalculation. Anyways you feel it too right? You know they're not dead. Because you went easy on them." He said. This was when I start to sweat. I did go easy on them. All I did I'm pretty sure is give them a bad concussion. "Well, it seems as if the blame has been put onto you my friend. If you would have successfully killed them, we can just go back and take the remaining determination from their bodies, but now that they're still alive and most likely receiving medical attention..  Now I'LL BE CALLING THE SHOTS" I try to call for help. But nobody came..

I see flashy lights, it seemed as if I was being places into an ambulance. How? How am I still alive? I should be DEAD! But somehow, somehow my determination is keeping me intact. I could't move however, all I can do is move my eyes around, and even that wasn't very helpful considering that everything's blurry. I feel something plastic be placed onto my face as I drift off to Anastasia land.

A few inches later..

"Hey kiddo, wake up." "Chara? Can you hear us?" I wake up to these voices. I open my eyes to see that I'm in a hospital bed with numerous tubes coming from me. I see Sans, Gaster, and Mom and Dad. "Wh-what happened to me?" I ask weakly. I look to my right and left. I see Asriel and Frisk. They both smile at me. I try to sit up, but I feel a sharp pain in my stomach. "Woah, woah, woah. The doc said you need to stay in the same position until your wounds are finished healing." Sans said. "Oh okay, by the way where am I?" I ask again. "You're in St. Benedicts Hospital." Mom says. "They treat both monsters and humans." She says. I sigh. I look at the T.V. Which was showing an episode of Power puff Girls. "Kid, honestly you're lucky to be alive." I look at Sans worried. Mom gives him a horrible look. "I mean you got the worst attack." He says. "Also it had come to our attention that Seth is missing." He says. I nod sadly. "U-um Toriel and Asgore do you mind if we speak to the kids for a second?" Sans asks Mom and Dad. "Oh uh sure! Come on Tori." Dad says as they walk out of the room. I realize that me, Asriel, and Frisks beds are in close confinement to each other. If we had the energy we could be able to hold hands. "Now, everyone. We know it was Seth who did this to you." Gaster says. The three of us look at each other. It was clear we didn't want to snitch on Seth. He sighs. "I had a feeling. Yesterday around the evening I felt a disturbance deep within my soul. It was a feeling I couldn't describe. All it needed to tell me was something was wrong. Ever since I took a piece of Seth's soul and reinvigorated it into a whole. I've felt very strange. So I've been experimenting with my own magic to see what I've been capable of. No results have shown. Until yesterday. When I told Sans, he said that hikers found the three of you bleeding, and Seth has gone missing." He said. "So that's why we came to you guys.. did Seth do it?" Sans asked. He looked at Asriel. All he did was nod. "So our worst fears have been realized." Gaster said. Asriel looked extremely unsettled about something. He was obviously thinking of Seth. I couldn't help but think about what horrible things is happening to him right now. If my suspicions are correct, something similar is happening to him, as when I was guiding Frisk as a ghost. "Chara did you say something?" Gaster asked. "No?" I say. "Wait Chara, think about something." He said. "Alright" i respond. Sunshine, lollipops, chocolate. "Did you just think of Sunshine, lollipops, and chocolate?" He asks me. "Yes." I say. I wasn't too surprised because I knew Seth had that power too. "Alright. So that's what willpower is capable of, the reading of minds." He said. I look at Frisk and Asriel they weren't surprised either. "You all knew of this?" He said. We all just nod. "Well do you know what ELSE he's capable of?" He asked. "Well he's able to teleport, use telekinesis, summon blasters, and something else.." Asriel said. "He has some kind of magical cyan crowbar." Frisk says. "He might be able to do a lot more." I say. Everybody looks at me. "I can't be the only one who thinks that Seth has been attacked by something do I?" I say. "Explain." Gaster says. "When Frisk was doing the... genocide run.." i look to see Sans' pupils have disappeared. "We uh, shared control over her soul. When we uh, ended up in difficult situations, I would step in and help." I knew damn well to not mention killing Sans in front of him. I look at Gaster who just blinks at me. "So you're saying Seth is being warped by another entity?" Gaster asks. "Not just another entity, his name is Reid." I say. Gaster looks at me inquisitively. "Reid. Did you get his last name? Or what his fashion choices are?" He asks. "I was looking at Seth and I see him morph into Reid. He had a black and blue sweater. And khaki pants." I say. Gaster took out a notebook and wrote this down. "Sans we're going to the lab." He says. "Alright see ya guys." He waves as they leave. Mom and Dad reenter the room. They had chocolate and flowers. "This is from all your friends." She says as she evenly divides the gifts amongst the three of us. "Thanks mom." We all say. "Alright, we have to go back to the house. Take care alright?" Mom says. We nod. Mom and Dad leave the room again. I looked at Asriel and Frisk, they both have worried faces. "What did you mean Seth was being warped?" Asriel asks. "Someone's trying to convince him that we aren't what we are, Azzy." I say. "Do you think we can save him?" He asks. "I hope so Azzy, I hope so." I look at Frisk. She was crying. "Hey, hey. What are you crying for?" I ask. "If-if I didn't decide to kill everyone none of this would've happened." She cried. "Frisk, we're in this together, all of us. This is not your fault. It's none of ours." I look to Asriel. He had his face buried in his hands, he remembers his time as Flowey. "We were just confused.. there was no one out there to warn us of our actions beforehand. We did it by our own curiosity." I say. "Guys look at me." They both do. "Think about all those good times we had with Seth. Playing video games. Eating pie. If we were all villains we wouldn't have enjoyed a single second of that." I say. I realized something. I was mimicking Seth's confidence, I might have struck something gorgeous in the two. They both had smiles on their face, as they caught on to that. "Chara, if I didn't have a bunch of magical tubes flowing inside of me, I would hug the hell out of you right now." Asriel said. "Agreed." Frisk said. We laugh for a bit. Then fall asleep. Don't worry Seth, we're coming

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