Part 3: Chapter 1: ✋︎■︎⧫︎♏︎❒︎♏︎⬧︎⧫︎♓︎■︎♑︎

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I.. feel a heavy weight on my chest. I try to open my eyes, I see nothin but darkness, until I look down and see my soul. It's like a little light reflecting my body. It's just a regular monster soul, surrounded by a red glow. It must be my determination, I thought. Is that what's keeping me alive in this place? Anyways, what is this place? I look around, I don't see any of my friends, or family. "Chara? Seth? Frisk?" I ask in the darkness. "And, so the goat prince is awake." I hear speak in the darkness. "Who-who's there?!" I yell, as I try to use my fire magic to light up the area. Nothing happened. "Wh-why? Where am I?" I ask. I still can not find the source of the voice. "You're in my world now." The voice said. "Who are you? Where's my Friends?!" I yell in the darkness. "Oh, they're fine. But if you ever want to see them again, you'll have to play my game first." he said, I start to look frustrated. But I try to accept his game, because I want to know if they're okay. "Fine." I said. "Wonderful!" the voice said. I was then teleported to another room. This room was a little brighter. I look up and see a light. I stand up. I look around. This was the room Frisk fell in! Right before the Ruins! I wonder what I'm doing here. I walk down the corridor, and I see.... Flowey? "Heehee, hello Asriel." said the flower. "F-Flowey?" I ask. "Oh! You must be so confused! I GUESS LITTLE OLD ME WILL HAVE TO DO!" He said. To my horror Flowey brings up the 6 human souls. He absorbs them then the transformation takes place. I couldn't help but stare horrified. I see Flowey transform into his huge god-like form, huge robotic arms appear from his sides, Numerous vegetation zooms from his petals, and then I see the T.V. The vision that greets me is my face, well my old CREEPY face on the T.V. He does his signature horrifying laugh. I had no idea what to do, I start to sweat. "DIE!" He yells at me. He tries to launch a flurry of friendliness pellets at me, but I was too fast, I summon my Chaos Saber and try to land as much hits as possible on the monster. He absorbs my hits like a sponge. He just laughs at my disdain. He sends Flowey nukes my way. I use fire magic to create a shield around me, it protects me, but not for long. He uses vines to capture me, his grip was bone-crushing. "Ugh! H-H-Help!" I yell. "Heehee! Looks like no one is going to see you die!" He said, as he once again tightens his grip around me. I couldn't breathe, I thought this was it for me. Until I see.. a flash of green. Whatever it was it sliced the vines around me. I fall, I was panting. I look up, and see the love of my life, at my side. "Chara?" I say while coughing. "Yeah, looked like ya needed help, there Azzy." she said, while smiling at me. "Now, let's kick his ass." She said, I nod. I summon a weapon I haven't used in a long time, 'The Chaos Buster'. I struggle lifting it, but I eventually got it on my shoulder, then send it blasting. I get knocked back by the sheer force of the blow. And all I see is Flowey fade with the brightness. Then everything went black again. "C-Chara? A-are you there?" I ask as once again, My soul is the only thing I see. I hear a distorted chuckle. "well done. Unfortunately Chara is not here as of the moment. I only made a DECOY Chara so you would be determined to fight Flowey." I start to get angry. "Y-You-" "No need to be brash. I still haven't found out what to do with your other friends, for the timebeing, you can sit here in the darkness, or you can watch as I torture your friends to insanity." he said. "Oh, wait, since when were YOU the one in control?" He laughs maniacally, as I am teleported to a slightly brighter room. "W-What did you do to me?" I ask. "Oh, it's not you, I'm the one doing things to." He said. I look at the room, I float around and see that I am only limited to the space that I see before me. All I see is the room where I fought Flowey, right in front of the ruins. Then I see Frisk enter the room. That was when I became immobile. "H-Hey! What-" I see a black figure stand in front of me. He had a white face with cracks every which way. "Shhh, the fun is just about to start." the figure says. He looks down at Frisk. "H-Hello? Seth? Asriel? Chara?" She asked. I try to yell at her but to no avail. I couldn't move or talk. I was just plastered there, like a painting on a wall forced to watch one of my best friends about to be tortured by this psycho. That was when the entire scenery changed, it was the judgement hall? I look to see Sans at the other end of the hallway. What was he doing? "Heya, you've been busy huh?" 


I had no idea what was going on. At first I was in what looked like the room before the ruins until I see the judgement hall. I look down at my hands, they were covered in.. dust? A-and blood! I already knew what this had to be. I was in for a BAD TIM. "Do you think, even the worst person can change? That they can be a good person if they just try?" I start to sweat. "Sans! I'm not the bad guy!" I yell to him. "Oh? then who could have possibly done all this, this KILLING, these selfish acts just to satisfy their filthy wonders to know what would happen?" he said. There's only one person he could be talking about. Me. He sees the look on my face. "Welp, sorry old lady, this is why I never make promises." He said. I try to run away knowing my death was imminent. But blocking the other way was Chara? "not so fast, do you REALLY think I would let you leave? After all of the souls we gathered, and crushed? After all those Friends we sliced into bloody pieces?" She said , with a horrifying look on her face. "I-I-" I was about to reason with her until she said. "Have Fun." then disappeared into thin air. I look back at Sans. He had his eyes closed. "It's a beautiful day outside." I panick. I try to load my SAVE. Nothing happened. I try to RESET nothing happened. "Birds are singing." I panic more, I don't know what to do! I have no option to leave and redo, I had no option to see my friends again, I had no other option. "Flowers are blooming. On days like these kids like you. Should be burning in HELL." I see the bones start coming, I hold my arms out ready to die, I had no other choice, he had me. I was in no condition to fight, I didn't want to see one of my best friends like this. The desire to kill me was sprawled all over his face. The bones came at me at god-speed. I was ready. I was ready to admit my mistake. I was ready to accept the consequence. But something happened.. The bones were right in front of me,  a centimeter away! But they stopped? "That expression." I hear Sans say. I look at Sans. "that's the expression of someone who's learned their lesson." The last thing I see is Sans' bones disappear along with him. The judgement hall fades into blackness. Then I feel a cold wind consume me. I could tell this room was different than the one I was just in. I look around. "F-Frisk?" I hear a voice say. I look to see that it was none other than my adoptive brother/best friend Asriel. "Asriel!" I yell. We run at each other and hug. "P-Please tell me y-your real." He said as he puts his hands all over my face. "I'm AsREAL as it gets." I say while laughing. "Ok, Thank GOD!" He says as we continue our embrace. "Wh-where's Chara and Seth?" I ask. "I-I don't know. Maybe our FRIEND here can tell us!" His eyes fill with hatred and his hands fill with fire. I put my hand on his shoulder. "Asriel, we still don't know what he's planning on doing with them! Just let him speak his mind!" I say calmly. He looks at me, he has tears in his eyes. He turns around, then wipes them with his sleeve. "Fine." He puts away his fire. The Distorted figure we saw from earlier started talking. "That's a smart young sister you have there Asriel." The figure said. "We still haven't gotten your name, bucko." Asriel said. He chuckles once more. "My name will arrive in your consciences soon enough, not just your consciences in fact, but the entire monster race will remember my name soon enough." Me and Asriel look at him confused. Remember? Who was this man? I haven't seen anybody like him in my life. Though there was this one time I saw a funny looking creature in hotlands. He was grey, and creepy. He was talking about some guy named... "Gaster?" I accidentally said out loud. Asriel looks at me. "Who?" he said. The creature just grumbles. "I haven't heard anyone call me that in an incredibly long time." He said. "Gaster, huh? doesn't ring a bell." said Asriel. "Soon enough my friend, soon enough." We see him raise a ghostly hand and it makes a snapping sound. The entire room goes dark again. 

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