P4: Chapter 5: My Inner Demons

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I wake up. My back was killing me. I stretch for a bit then head out. Everybody was sitting at the dining table, having Mom's signature butterscotch-cinnamon pie. I sit down to the lone plate in front of one of the chairs. I start eating. I see that everyone was giving me nervous glances, especially Chara. I place my fork down. I sit there with a blank expression. "Is there a-uh problem?" I say. They all look at each other. "S-Seth, um how do I say this. Your siblings have informed us that you are having some nightmare trouble." I stare at him. I look at the three they were looking down, trying to hide their vacant expressions. "Yes, and what of it?" I say. "Well we're just worried Seth." Mom says. "We just want to know if you're ok." She says. I start to lose my patience. "Im fine, r-really." Trying to keep my cool. There's no way in hell that I'm telling them that I'm stuck with a demon out for Chara's blood. That would just hurt them. And hurt her. They all went back to eating. As usual me and Chara were the first ones to finish. But something tells me that this was for a different reason. I go to the living room to put on my sneakers. "I'm going out." I say. "Ok!" I hear Mom and Dad say. "Seth, wait!" It was Chara. She had a scared expression on her face. Then as soon as she noticed my stare she wiped it off. "Um, can we talk for a bit?" She said. "Sure, we'll do it at the pond." I say. "Ok." She said, she put on her boots. Then we were off.

Seth has been acting incredibly weird lately, ever since last night with the nightmare, so I decided to get some time to talk with him. We sit down at the edge of the lake. I look at him. He was silently watching the ducks that pass by. He looked deep in thought. "So, what did you want to talk about?" he said out of nowhere. Startled by this. I took a little longer than I should've to respond. "Um, I just wanted to t-talk about the.. nightmares." I say nervously. Seth lays back a bit. He heaves a great sigh. "Chara." He looks at me. He looked sad, almost depressed. "If I wanted to tell you I would but, I can't.. Not you, not Frisk, not Asriel, not anybody." He says. Him saying this doesn't free my worries one bit. If anything then it makes it worse. He must've read my mind again, because he hugs me without warning. "Chara please, I-I need you to trust me on this. It'll all be o-okay." I sit there. He sounded incredibly scared, I hug him back in comfort. I sure hope what he says will stay true. We let go. He wipes away tears from his eye. This was when I tried my best to not be worried about him. He gets up. "I'm going to take a nap at home." He says. I nod. As he leaves I just start thinking to myself. He's not being himself. Something terrible is bothering him. And I need to find it out before anything gets worse. 


I go to our room. I lay in bed face down. "I apologize." I heard Reid say in my head. "What the hell do you mean." I say. "I apologize for what I believe is being unclear. You don't know what to do with yourself now that I am taking over." He says. "I'm not letting that happen under any circumstance." I say. "Oh, it's going to happen. Unless you find a way to at least get rid of HER, I'm not only killing her, but Mom, Dad, Asriel.. Frisk." I stand up immediately to this. "You are not going to lay a finger on them, you scumbag." I say threateningly. "Who says it's MY fingers that is going to be touching them? In the end your always going to be my puppet." He says. I start to get really upset. I walk out of the room fuming, I bump into Asriel. "Oh s-sorry Seth." He says. I was blinded by rage to respond to him. I ran out the door, and never looked back. Where I was going, I had no idea, why I am doing it? for my family. 


I just came back from grocery shopping with Mom and Dad, I place the groceries I was carrying into the kitchen. I decide to go to my room, to read a book, or something. Before I open the door. I hear Asriel and Chara speaking. "We have to do something about him." I hear Asriel say. He didn't sound very happy. "And what may that be? He's our brother, for god's sake." I hear Chara respond. I open the door. "Frisk come in, we need to talk about SETH." Asriel says. They were sitting on their beds. I sit next to Chara. "I'm sure you noticed as much as we have that Seth has been acting really weird ever since last night's.. incident." said Asriel. I look at him. I didn't really see him much today. "I haven't seen him ever since breakfast, where is he?" I ask. "Azz says he just went fuming past him." Chara said. "Yeah, and he never said where he was going." This was when I started to worry. "We need to find him." I say. "He's the only one who can solve this conundrum. By the time we figure out what is happening to him, he'd be long gone." I say. "Woah, woah, we can't just assume that he ran away right?" Chara says, as she stands up. A horrible realization befalls the three of us. He did run away. "Oh god. no, not again." Chara says. "What do you mean AGAIN?" me and Asriel say. She bolts out the door. "Chara!" Asriel yells. "Don't just yell stupid! Go after your girl!" I yell at him, already running. I hear him sigh. "Mom! We're going out for a bit!" I say. "Ok, sweetheart! Don't forget to-" I was already yards away from the house. I can spot Chara running towards the forest. I look at the ground. It showed not only her footsteps, but Seth's as well. We were on his trail. Before any of us knew it we were deep into the forest. Everything around us looked the same. Thank god Asriel's easy to distinguish footprints led the way back. Chara was just standing in the middle of a patch of sunlight. We see Seth sitting on a rock. We go next to Chara. "Why? Why can't you guys just leave me be?" He says. Chara takes a step forward. "Because we love you Seth! Why did YOU just run and leave us like that?" He turns around. His eyes were red, most likely from crying. "I could ask you the same question.. SIS." Chara looks taken aback by these words. "W-What's he talking about C-Chara?" Asriel asks. Chara's face was emotionless. I could see a single tear roll down her face. "T-that was a long time ago Seth." she says. "Old wounds leave scars. Chara. Many, many painful scars." He looks at the three of us with a horrible look. "I know every last one of you, played a role in killing every single monster." His eyes then filled with hatred. "I've got a question for Asriel. HOW MANY PICKS DOES IT TAKE TO GET RID OF ALL THE PETALS?" His eyes went completely white, blood started falling from his eyes. Before any of us could express our horror, he lunged at us. A glowing cyan crowbar was in his hand. We all jumped back in surprise. "What the hell?!" Asriel yelled. "Oh, don't worry Flower boy. Your not my main priority." This wasn't Seth. It can't be. He headbutted Asriel, making him fall on the ground. I see Asriel's head was bleeding. "ASRIEL!!" Me and Chara yell. He tries to get up, then falls back down. "One down, two more to go." He says sinisterly. He swings his crowbar at me. "Seth! stop! we don't want to fight you!" I yell at him. I see his eyes flash a bit, but to very little effect. He kicks me right in the gut. I cough blood. It.. hurt so much. But why? I kneel on the ground, I look up at him. He had tears In his eyes, not blood, but actual tears. "I-I." He holds out his hand but immediately clenches it. He then whacks me with the crowbar, my vision goes completely black.


I gasp. I'm crying. Why? Why would he do this? That was when I realized something. I remember the genocide run. When Frisk was being annihilated by Sans, I stepped in and helped. This was when I was completely confused on why she reset after the pacifist ending. So I had nothing to do but support her primary objective killing EVERYTHING. It seems however that Seth is in a similar situation. Except Seth's goal is to kill me, Frisk, and Asriel. But then again why? I tried to ponder this but then I see Seth jump towards me with his crowbar. I push him back with my knife. "Dear Dear Chara, you do realize combat is futile. I can see everything you do and what you're going to do next! So.. If I were you I'd just DIE already!" He said, while laughing maniacally. "Stop it." I say. "Huh?" He said. "I don't know who you are, I don't know why you decided to warp Seth's mind but you need to stop it." I say. "Clever girl. I guess you could say you caught me RED handed!" He says, he pulls his hand out to show me the mix of blood from both Asriel and Frisk. I start to lose my temper, then he all of a sudden phases for a bit, transitioning from Seth to a boy of similar height and stature, he had a black and blue sweater, khaki pants, fluffy black hair, and dark skin. "Who-" "My name is Reid." He said. I just stare at him. "A long time ago, in a place not too far away, I was just a normal kid. Just like you. Then it all went.." He looks at the ground, it looks like he was remembering something. I use this time wisely, I take out my knife, then stab at him. He starts bleeding. I take out my knife. I look at him. He had Seth's face on. "B-But why? I-I thought we-we were.." This was when recollection flashed within me. "Oh my god no, no, no, no, please not again. Seth! Please! I-I-" I hear him laugh. "Foolish." He takes his crowbar then slices me. I look at where he hit me. There's a huge slash in my sweater AND skin. My vision starts to fade. "Nighty, night. Sis.." I hear him walk away, laughing. "W-wait, Seth, Asriel, Frisk." I fall.

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