P2: Chapter 3: Family Bonding

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being hugged by these three made me feel warm inside, being reunited with Chara felt amazing, just being in the presence of Frisk made me blush, and being hugged by Asriel, was surprisingly warm, not only because he was literally warm, probably because of his fur, but because he really feels like the brother I never had. I put my arms around them all, with a smile on my face. Mrs. Toriel, (soon to be my new mom.) came into the room and asked Frisk, Chara, and Asriel to go into the living room. "Do I go to?" I ask politely. She looks at me and says, "No, no, I just need these 3 to help me with something. Go ahead and get settled." She said. "Yes ma'am" I said. She looked at me sweetly, then led my soon-to-be-siblings out. I look around the room, I see Chara's bed, totally and utterly destroyed. I laugh knowing how much of a lazy, and heavy-sleeper she is. I mean I wasn't a perfect sleeper either. If anything I'm an even HEAVIER sleeper than she is. I look at the bed I was sitting on, which I'm pretty sure was Frisk's. It was a lot more neater, and organized. Just thinking about Frisk makes me feel warm, and makes me smile stupidly. I'm starting to think about how my life would be if I were to start dating Frisk. I mean we already had our first kiss, so technically we ARE dating. And she seems passionate about it to. But what if Asriel and Chara find out? We are technically siblings, but I mean not genetically, so I guess it's ok. She does make me happy in vicarious amounts of ways, should I ask her? I don't know. I look over to Asriel's bed. It was between messy and clean, I mean at least he tries. There's a poster of Skyrim on his wall. I instantly became excited, When I was a human I used to be ADDICTED to that game. I should ask him if we can play it together. I also didn't notice Chara's favorite rock band on the right wall. QUEEN. I mean they were ok. I remember listening to an unhealthy amount of Michael Jackson. I take a better look around, I see a PC, that looks pretty new, I wonder if they play games on it? Then I take a peek at the closet. It shows numerous striped sweaters, shirts, pants, and shoes. Then I take a look at the only thing left in the room, and that was 2 cabinets next to the beds, I take a look in each. One has a heartwarming picture of the three, with Mr. and Mrs. Dreemurr. Then the other one has a heart locket with Chara's name on it. These sights make my heart warm up to no end. That was when Chara entered the room. "Hey, Seth!" she said looking cheerful "yea-" I was about to say until she pulls my arm and drags me into the hall, her raw strength was impressive. "I want you to meet your new Dad!" she said. I was literally on the floor, being dragged by my little sister. It's moments like these that I missed so much. She stops dragging me and I stand up. I was greeted by a tall goat man, wearing a flower shirt, and jeans. "Hello there Seth! My name Is Asgore. Your sister Chara has told me so many interesting things about you!" he said as he holds out his hand for me to shake. I accept. He has an incredibly powerful grip. It's almost intimidating. "Hello, Mr. Asgore sir." I say. Asgore looks at Toriel and he nods. "Seth, how would you feel about joining our family?" Asgore said with a glimmer in his eye. I gaped at him. I look at Frisk, Chara, and Asriel. They all have loving eyes pointed towards me. I obviously say, "I would love too." Chara was the first one to hug the hell out of me, then Frisk and Asriel join in, then Mrs- wait a minute, she's my Mom now. My new Mom and Dad join in. We're all in one huge group hug. I'm so happy, If there was any family, I were to join, I'm glad it was this one. Though I still have one hell of a lot of questions. Why am I a skeleton, was my biggest concern. Who was that voice telling me to wake up? And also high up there, does Frisk still want to start dating? Also how would the rest of the family react? I decide not to worry about it. And decide to start bonding with my new fam.

the next day...

I slept on the family couch because Mom said that the bed is still shipping. I see that everybody is already awake. I tell them all "Good mornin'", they all said good morning back. "What's for breakfast Mom?" "Snail pie, dear!" she said from the kitchen. I see everybody has phones, I feel kind of sad knowing that I don't have the same luxury. Dad seems to have seen my despair. "Oho! You want a phone Seth? Why you should've asked me!" I look at him questioningly. "Follow me." he said. Chara, Asriel, and Frisk silently follow me out of curiosity. Dad goes into him and moms' room, he closes the door behind him. We all just stare at the door. He comes back. "Here." He says while giving me a badass-looking phone. We all just gape at the beautiful phone in my hands. "it was a little too complex for me, so I just stuck with the old one I have." he said as he goes back to the table. "Touch." said Asriel absentmindedly. "No, my phone." I push his hand away. Then as if we all turned into cavemen we all went into a every man for himself brawl in the living room for the phone. "No! Phone mine!" I yell. "Give Phone!" said Chara. I had to hug it to escape the awful war cries of my fellow siblings. In the end it was a well fought battle, but I came out victorious. We were all panting on the ground like wild dogs. "I-ugh-win." I said. Then Mom came into the room. with a broom, she start brushing us like we were giant dirt piles. "Come on! food's ready!" at the sound of that we all jump and rush to the table. I've never had snail pie, but it looked and smelled DELICIOUS. And guess what? the taste itself was DELICIOUS. I haven't had something this delicious in so long. Mom asked me "Are you enjoying it Seth? I know the name is un-" Then she looks at my plate completely empty, not a single crumb could be seen. She just giggles. I was filled to the brim with that delicious pie. We all decide to disperse. Frisk and Chara went outside, while me and Azz stay inside. (I started calling him that, ever since we started becoming closer as siblings.) Me and Azz just hang out in the living room just watching some stupid anime. "Yoooo, Azz you got any games?" I say while yawning. "Oh yeah, there's some down here." He said while going into the cabinet under the T.V. "Uh can you switch the T.V. to HDMI-3?" he asks. "Sure." I said. He motioned me over to look at all the games he has. I don't think I've seen a better selection of games in my life. The games were: Minecraft, Grand Theft Auto V, Skyrim, Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Red Dead Redemption, and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. He sees my gaping expression, then chuckles. "What you surprised?" he said smug. "Nah, bro. Just surprised on how much of your ass I'm going to kick in Smash Bros!" I say putting the cartridge into the Nintendo Switch. We both laugh. "You're on!" he said. I played a lot of melee on my GameCube, a while ago, yeah I'm practically a veteran. An entire 5 hours pass when Asriel decides to give up. "Ugh-You and that stupid Plumber!" He said as I throw him off the stage with Mario. "Hehe, give up?" I say. We were keeping track of our wins against each other. It was tied, 29 - 29. We both look at the paper, we both stay quiet. "One more." both of us said at the exact same time. "All out on both sides!" I said. He nods, he chooses Luigi. I choose Mario. The battle begins.

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