Part 4: Chapter 1: Determageddon

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We were all standing at the entrance to the neighborhood. I was next to  Undyne, Sans, and Frisk. We were all incredibly nervous. It was 1:30 PM and neither Gaster or Chara were here yet. Undyne already sent everybody to a nearby military compound. She said they should all be fine there. We had no idea what we were going to do. Gaster wasn't very specific with the preparations. All he said, was that he was going to attempt to rejuvenate Seth, and bring him up to speed, he said it was going to take around 5 hours; it's been 9. We started ever since midnight. We didn't get much sleep. We were to busy keeping watch at the entrance. "When is G-Gaster going to be here?" I ask Sans. Sans was supposed to be helping Gaster, but he insisted that he helps us. "To be quite Frank, Bringing back your brother, apologizing to him, and telling him that his sister went insane, is not an easy feat. Azzy." Sans said. I was starting to get worried. What if Seth did something to Gaster? What if he was still pissed off at him, for being a major part in killing him? Sans sees my look of concern. "Chill, my pops got everything under control." He said reassuringly. I calm down a little bit. I look at Frisk, she looked nervous too. We were going to fight Chara. How we were going to do it? God knows how. What I hoped is that we can snap her back to normal. 

1 hour later..

We see a shadow in the woods. We all stand up. Undyne grabs a spear. She was here. She stepped out into the sunlight. She had a knife, with dark blood on it. It must've been Gasters' dry blood. She had a horrifying look on her face, her eyes were completely black, and a liquid of the same color were dripping down from her eyes. She was smiling creepily. It was at this moment, that we all knew that this wasn't the Chara we all knew and loved. "Where is he?" She asked. Her eyes went normal again. But she kept her smile, and her eyes were glowing red, like one of those 1000 degree knives. Undyne steps up, even though her face showed no sign of fear, I could tell she was scared, and I think Chara knew that too. "H-He's beyond your reach, C-C-Chara." she said. Her grin turned into a menacing smile. "If you don't move. I will do to you what I'll do to him." This was when I stepped up. "C-Chara, you d-don't-" "Shut up, Asriel." We all were shocked by this. "How could you join them? HE KILLED SETH!" She yelled. I look down. "I-I know, but he's s-sorry!" I said. "Sorry? APOLOGIES WON'T BRING HIM BACK ASRIEL!" I retorted. "KILLING HIM WON'T EITHER!" I felt tears. Shadows take over the top-half of her face. "Well. haha. I'm sorry too, Asriel." She said. "for what I have to do to you." Before we had any time to react, she bolted towards me. Her knife was about to shank me square in my stomach. until a bone bounces her back. She falls. "Hehe, looks like we'll have to do this the hard way." Sans said. "Frisk! Go help Gaster!" Sans yells. She nods, then runs towards the skelebros' house. Chara gets up then runs after her. "Not so fast!" Spears completely block the roads. Chara gives all of us a demonic look. I bring out my chaos saber. "HERE WE GO." She yells. 


I hear Chara try to chase after me, but was stopped by Undyne's spears. I start to run faster, to get some more leeway. I go to the cemetery where Seth was buried. It was completely dug, casket and all were gone. There was a note on the ground. 'At Alphys' lab'. I look to Alphys' house and see an unusual amount of smoke escaping from the chimney's. I run towards it. Running around here feels like escaping a ghost town. I knock on the door. Alphys answers it. "H-Hiya Frisk! Gaster is trying to insert the s-soul into Seth's body. H-He also said that he was going to do some more enhancements to him. I-I have no idea what he's trying to do. H-He just wants me to keep track of the power modules, just in case they malfunction." She said. "Can I come in?" I ask. "Sure!" She said. "If you want to see Gaster, he's in th-the basement. F-For some reason, he won't let me watch. H-He might make an exception for you though!" She said. I nod. Then look for the stairs. I walk down them. The air is filled with some kind of fruity smell. I see a T.V. with a couch, and a library with Manga and Anime. There's a door however under the stairs where the smell is coming from. I enter. My mouth dropped at what I saw.

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