P5: Chapter 2: The Plan

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A few days have passed ever since we have entered the hospital. Me and Asriel have already fully recovered, but we refused to leave Chara. Mom and Dad even tried to pull us away from the room, but to no avail. I wasn't leaving her. In those few days, that we were healing we talked about the plan to get Seth back. 

A few days earlier...

It was the afternoon. We all were watching some good old Samurai Jack, when Chara said something. "Guys we need to come up with a plan." She said. We just look at her. Our happy faces turned into looks of worry, and fear. "I know what you guys are thinking. There's no way we're going to be able to beat Seth with his new found powers. BUT, we need to find a way to appeal to HIM." She said, putting emphasis on him. "Are you talking about that Reid fellow?" Asriel asks. "Yeah." She responds. "And how are we going to do that? We don't even know who he is!" I say. "True." She says. "We'll just have to wait and find out, I guess." Asriel says. We all nod, then go back to watching Samurai Jack. 

The Present. 

Me and Asriel had chairs next to Chara's bed. It was already nighttime. "I think we should let her sleep." I say to Asriel. We both had reserved couches in the reception thanks to Mom and Dad. We decide to snooze. I notice Asriel wasn't in a very comfortable position for sleeping so I ask him what was up. "Asriel, you don't seem to be in the right place for the snooze cruise." I say half-jokingly. He sits up. "I can't stop thinking about what he said." Asriel responds. "What did he say?" I ask, knowing he was talking about Seth/Reid. "the thing he said about the flower. I can't help but feel like I contributed to these horrible situations we've been having recently." I sit down next to him, and put my arm on his back. "Asriel, listen to me. You are not that person anymore. You are as much a genocidal flower, as me or Chara." I say. He smiles for a bit, but it doesn't last long. "I think he just wants us for our powers. Our powers over the timeline." He says. I ponder this. That actually would make a lot of sense. "Wait, if Reid wanted to kill us because we were murderers, why would he care? He doesn't know any of our friends! ASRIEL! YOUR A GENIUS!" I slap him on the back. "Ow!" He says. "Heh, sorry got a little excited there." I say. "We have to tell Chara." He says. "Let's do it tomorrow, I'm bone tire-" We both frown at this. Seth said that more than any of us. "good night." We said to each other. 


"Wake up." Reid says. "Huh?" I say, as I do so. "I've been floating around your neighborhood." He says. I don't even know how to respond. "And?" I say. "Well you remember, right? We have to get that DETERMINATION we were talking about a week ago!" He said. I sit up. I'm surprised that these bed of flowers were able to keep me at bay, while I'm stuck with this creep. "Fine, where are we headed?" I ask. "To Buttercup Acres." He said. I gasp. "B-But that's wh-where I l-" I retort. "Live? Don't be ridiculous. You have no home now, you have no friends, only goals that are waiting to be achieved." He said. He laughs maniacally. I look down on the ground. "Let's go." He said. "I don't know-" "There's no need to remember our way back. I already have that under control." He said as he possesses me. I look to see that I'm floating next to my own body, being morphed into his. "Ha, I am 75% physical now thanks to my willpower." He says. "y-you can't just possess me!" I yell at him. "Oh? Well I just did." He says as he looks at me with my own face. He morphs his body back into mine. "Follow my lead, well I guess you'll have to." He starts running. I felt my ghostly apparatus start floating towards him. No matter how hard I try to resist, I keep getting pulled in. "Someone's going to stop you." I say. "Oh yeah? And who would that be? Your friends? Ha! Don't make me laugh. That Frisk can't touch a fly, Asriel's just a goat with lightning, and Chara well, she might be the only one to make a difference." He says. "What do you mean by that?" I ask. "See Seth, willpower isn't as strong as determination as you probably know. It takes a fully Determined person to take down a person with willpower. And it would take a person at full willpower to take down a person with Determination. I've seen what Chara is capable of. So, that's why I used you Seth. Because you not only have the full arsenal of human willpower, but on top of that incredibly powerful monster magic as well." He says. "If your sister and I were to ever cross paths again it won't end too well for her. It's only because my willpower was weak that I didn't finish her off right then and there." He says. "Whatever, and how are you planning on getting their determination?" I say. "killing everybody in my path." He used my face to turn into his 'creepy' face. "Ugh! Stop using my face to scare me! oh, and also WHAT?!" I yell at him. "Well, I knew I can't just hunt for them, because they know this place much better than me, and I KNOW I won't get them out of you, so I decided to make as much chaos as I can to bring them out." He says. "you are a psychopath." Was the only thing I can say. He just laughs at me, then we keep walking towards the inevitable destruction to the ones I love.

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