Chapter 5: Problems...

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I see a flash of light. "It's ok sis! Everything will be alright." said a voice I haven't heard before but yet it seems familiar.. I see a room with 2 people. One was a boy with headphones on, flowy chestnut hair, pale skin, and rosy cheeks, and the other was me? But I was crying. I was in the boy's arms crying into his cyan jacket sleeve. I see another blinding flash of light. "S-since when did I ever neglect you? We're family!" I see myself run out of the room with tears in my eyes. "C-Chara w-wait!" the boy said with tears in his eyes. Who was this boy? What was my correlation with him? A-and why did he look so much like me? Then millions of flashbacks appear before my eyes. I only were able to catch a few. Me falling, me hugging asriel, the barrier breaking,  and finally me and asriel kissing for the first time. But there was something after that.. another vision? I look around the room, I see nothing but grey, except a skeleton? This wasn't sans or papyrus. He had a cyan sweater on, like me, and Asriel's, except with purple stripes. It looked a little more like Frisk's sweater to be honest. He gets up, I ask him if he's- then I wake up. "Ah!' I scream in the darkness. I look over at Frisk and Asriel, Frisk is still sleeping, but I see Asriel wake up. "C-Chara?" he asks clearly looking very tired. "I-is everything ok?" he asks. "Y-yeah I'm f-fine." I say sounding very concerned. He walks over and sits beside me on my bed, I sit up to his level. "Chara, I know you're not ok, was it a bad dream?" he said looking concerned. "I-it's just. Nevermind." I say. "Do you want to talk about it with Frisk?" he asks. "Actually yeah, that sounds like a good idea." I say. Asriel nods then he goes towards his bed, until I stop him. "A-Asriel?" I ask him. "Yeah?" he says back. "C-can y-you sleep with me? I-if it's ok with you, you know?" I say knowing my face just went ketchup red. He blushes the same color. "Oh, y-yeah sure!" I make space for him in the bed, the bed's actually pretty big, there's enough room for both of us. Instead, of moving away from him, I went closer to his face. I giggle for a bit, then finally embrace him, as I make out with him. I look at his emerald-eyes shine in the moonlight, he wasn't expecting that, but melted into it anyways. We put our arms around each other, pull up the blanket, then we fall asleep in each other's arms. 

the next day...

I wake up to see Azzy still in my arms. I giggle a bit seeing how cute he is while sleeping. I rub my nose against his, him waking up. "Well good morning, fluffybuns." I say while laughing. "How dare you." He says with a devilish smile. I notice that Frisk isn't in her bed, Azzy notices too. "Eh, it's fine." He says reassuringly. "She already knows we're a thing, so she should've seen this coming." I think about what he said. "I know, but don't you get the feeling that Frisk is jealous of us?" "What do you mean?" he asks. "You heard what she said yesterday! She doesn't have any body to love!" I say. "Chara, have you forgot about us, Mom and Dad, Sans, Papyrus, Undyne, Alphys? All her friends?" "Y-yeah I know that, but I meant someone intimately." I stare at Asriel. His face shows no response. "That's true." he says looking guilty. "Don't you think us, being together is enough for her? How do you think she feels when we sleep together?" "She has been acting a little depressed lately." He said. "We should set her up on a date!" He says with hope in his eyes. "D-do you really think we can do that?" I ask him. "Yeah! It will be easy! Except, um, I don't know who to pair her up with." he said looking upset. "Yeah, didn't she go on a date with every one she knows?" I ask. "Y-yeah I'm pretty sure." He said. "Well I guess we'll have to wait until we do find one." I said. Then Frisk came into the room with toast in her mouth. I can hear our parents dying from laughter in the background. She closes the door. "W-well good morn-ning." She said as she was stuffing her face with toast. Me and Asriel were silent. "Heh, don't worry about it you two, I know you two are together now, so seeing you two sleep together in bed is fine by me..." I could hear the hesitation in her voice towards the end. "C-Chara you uh said you had s-something to tell Frisk and Me last night?" Asriel said. "Oh?" Frisk said while once again stuffing toast in her face. "Oh y-yeah." I heave a great sigh. Here we go. I don't know how they're going to react to this. But I look at them and they both have trusting looks in their eyes, so I go ahead. "S-so I had a dream last night." I begin. "I saw flashes of light, and there was a bedroom. There were two people, one was me. a younger version of me crying. And I was being hugged by a boy. He uh looked a little older than me but not by a huge margin." They continue to listen to my story. "W-wait a human boy?" Frisk asks. "Y-yeah." "What did he look like?" Asriel asks. "Um he had a cyan sweater, with purple stripes, a headset on, wavy chestnut hair, pale skin, a-and rosy cheeks." Frisk and Asriel look at each other wide-eyed. "W-what's wrong?" I asked slightly panicking. "U-um Chara?" says Frisk. "Y-yeah?" I say trying to laugh it off but not succeeding. "T-this boy, um he..." I don't think I've seen Asriel stutter this much before. "D-do you think that this boy is related to you?" Frisk asks. "I-I don't know! I think so? Ugh! I don't know what to think!" I put my hands on my forehead through my hair. Frisk and Asriel get closer to me. "Chara, me and Asriel think that this may be your uh b-brother." I look at them with huge eyes. I have a brother? I don't ever remember having a brother in my entire life! But this has to be the case, ever since he looks so much like me. "H-how, I don't.." I stutter. Asriel and Frisk hug me. I smile. "Whatever, or whoever this is Chara we'll be here to help you throughout the entire way!" said Azzy confidently. "Yeah! We'll keep supporting you until the end of time!" said Frisk happily. I feel tears coming. "Aw, t-thanks guys." I say with tears already flowing down. 

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