Chapter 3: Green and Yellow Stripes

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Oh my god. He-he's back! I am so overfilled with joy, I wanted to hug him with all the might I possibly could, I don't care if I can't touch him I had to hug him. But something happened, I didn't phase through him, I ACTUALLY hugged him! "C-chara!" He said as I tighten my embrace, tears flood my eyes. I look up, and I could see his fill up as well. He hugged me back. I'm so happy I don't think any of this could get better when Frisk joined in on the hug. I saw Frisk motion Alphys over, and we accepted because after all without her help none of this would've happened. We're all practically in a huge group hug then we finally let go after around 5 minutes. We all decided to head back home, we all thanked the hell out of Reaper Bird as well. We said goodbye and thanks once more to Alphys then finally headed back home. Then thoughts started to run through my head, how will mom react when her two dead children are back to life? will we move in with Frisk? And most importantly When will Asriel and I confess our love to each other? Frisk seemed to notice the look of concern on my face. "Chara, it'll be okay. I'm sure everyone will accept you guys once they know who you are." Frisk said reassuringly. I smiled at Frisk's confidence. But her advice didn't put aside all of my concerns.


I stayed silent throughout the entire walk. Many things were going through my head, like how will mom react when she sees me? How will every monster or human react when they see me? And did Chara hear my confession to Frisk? I doubt it, but I know deep down I'll eventually have to confess to her too. We all head into the sunlight it was around 4-5 o'clock so the gorgeous sunset wasn't there this time. But what met us was a spectacular view of the cities, forests, and beaches below. "Wow." the three of us said. "So much has changed." I said. "Welp. It's a brand new world for us." said Frisk. "yeah." said Chara. "Well you two know what we must do now." said Frisk looking to the both of us. Me and Chara look at each other and nod. "Let's do this." I said. Frisk leads us through her neighborhood. We look to the left and see a fish-looking house, and hear some sort of anime-like music. Then we see what looks like a lab with several pipes of smoke escaping from it. Then we see a house somehow with snow on it, while hearing someone screaming the words Nyeh Heh Heh! And finally we end up at frisk's house which is rather small, but I understand ever since it was only Frisk and Mom. "S-so are we all going to live together?" said Chara after 10 minutes of silence. "Y-yeah I guess." said Frisk. It's understandable ever since neither me nor Chara have any money for a house or are responsible enough to own one, so Frisk is basically our only option. We walk up to the porch, I look at Chara and so does Frisk, she's clearly incredibly nervous. "It's ok, you two. Everything will be alright." She says as she hugs us both. "o-ok" we both said. "Stay behind me for a sec." Frisk said. Is she going to make this a surprise? Me and Chara did so, me in front of her. Frisk knocks on the door. It was 5 seconds before my own mother opens the door. I crouched ever since I'm taller than Frisk. "Hello my child please com-." Frisk moved to the left, revealing me and Chara. My mother looked at us with a mouth-dropping expression. Then when any of us could do anything else, she passed out. "MOM!!!" The three of us say in perfect unison. We all rush inside, we all help rush her to a bed. Frisk led the way and we all use every bit of strength within us to carry her onto a bed. Frisk goes up to her and puts her hand on her forehead. "She'll be alright." She said, we all heave sighs of relief. Then we all go to Frisk's room. We notice that there is a single bed. "Uh, where are we going to sleep?" I ask. "Hm. I think that there are some pillows and blankets in the hallway closet" said Frisk. "Ok." said me and Chara. So me and Chara exit the room and see the blankets. I put my hand on one of the red blankets, so does Chara, our hands touch. "Oh! U-uh Ha-haha." I said, literally FEELING the hot rush of blush engulf my face. I look at Chara and see her face completely red. "uh, y-you can have it if you want." I said breaking the silence. "Oh-uh ok." she said. Then she immediately walked to Frisk's room. I got a pillow and a yellow blanket. I realize Chara didn't get a pillow then I grab one for her, I feel the blush come back. "U-uh Chara?" I ask. I go into the room and see Chara fast asleep with the blanket on her. I lift her head up then slowly place the pillow under it. She's pretty cute when sleeping, I silently giggle. w-wait did I just call her cute? I guess I did, I really do love her. I tip-toe towards the door and close it. I place the pillow on the floor and curl myself under the blanket. I started to drift off to sleep, when I heard Chara say "thank you." I laugh then say "You're welcome." then I fall asleep.

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