CHAPTER 4: love is in the air

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Me, Frisk, and Chara get into Mom's jeep. We were all incredibly excited. This was also a chance for Frisk to introduce me and Chara to her friends. I mean I already knew who they were ever since I absorbed every monster's soul not too long ago. I look over at Chara, and I realize something. This could be the perfect place for me to confess to her! But.. I'm so nervous, and my head starts running. What if I screw it up? what if she just wants to be friends? Will our Friendship be ruined from that point on?


I stare at the streets and the sidewalks as they pass by, while thinking. Should I confess to Azzy my love for him? Wild outcomes and possibilities flash through my mind. Valentines Day is the blatantly correct choice for confessing to someone isn't it? But what if I mess up? What if he just wants to be friends? And most importantly how will we see each other in the future? Will our relationship be nothing but awkwardness? I look over at his white-furry face. The sunlight shining on his emerald-green eyes. I can't help but think of how adorable he looks right now. I snapped backed to reality, then looked back to the streets, before he can see me. 


I had a genius plan to get Chara and Asriel together. I mean honestly I really don't think I need to do anything. I mean it's VALENTINES DAY. I think all I need to do is get them alone in some booth or something then let the magic happen. I think I'm going to hang out with Mom and Dad for a little bit though, because I've been focused on getting them back together ever since we left the underground. Honestly, I don't know what I'm going to do, I don't really have any romantic interests, and I'm pretty sure no one is romantically interested in me, which hurts a little, but I know something will happen eventually. 


We park at Sans and Papyrus' house, all of Frisk's friends are there. Honestly I'm a little nervous. Once Frisk tells them who we are, I don't know what they'll do actually. Frisk asks me and Chara if we are ready. We nodded. Mom looks at us as well. She had a worried look on her. "It'll all be okay you two." She said reassuringly. "I'm sure they'll accept you." Frisk said too. We all walk in. I see many friendly looking monsters, a tall, slim skeleton, a shorter chubbier one, Undyne, Alphys, some robot, who I'm pretty sure is name is Mettaton. I look over to see a huge upright creature in a cape, I had no clue who this was until I saw him turn around. "D-dad?" I ran over and hugged him from behind. "Oho, why hello there! And what's your-" He turns around and takes a long look at me. "A-asriel?" He said, with twinkle in his eye. "Y-yeah dad I-it's me." I said crying. He hugs me back with what was without a doubt a bone-crushing hug. everyone looks at us, and from that moment I hear someone ask. "h-how? Asriel." I hear Undyne ask. I start to remember that I used to train with Undyne. I never once landed a  hit on her. I just smile at her then look at Alphys. She blushes. "a-Alphys?" "y-yeah?" said Alphys. Undyne just picks her up then yells. "YOU BROUGHT ASRIEL BACK?!" then she looks at Chara, then recollection flashes in her eyes.. kind of. "AND CHARA!?" Undyne then gives Alphys a fat smooch on the mouth. Alphys went from a shade of yellow, to tomato red. "WE NEED A CELEBRATION!" said the tall skeleton. "Golly, calm down Papyrus." Dad said while laughing. "we'll have plenty of time to celebrate at the Festival!" "Which actually is happening right now, darlings!" said Mettaton, I'll meet you all back here at midnight. Toodles!" he said while backflipping out the door. "That was certainly impressive." I hear Chara say. We all laugh. I can tell it's going to be an awesome night. 


I helped one of the skeleton's who was apparently named Sans. He uh really likes puns. every 5 minutes, he says something along the lines of "Uh, this is some BONE-BREAKING WORK!" or "You GOATta be kidding me!" besides that he's really nice, though I can't shake the feeling that he's a lot more than what he seems. It was just about time for the parade. I take a seat in one of the chairs, Sans was to the left of me drinking... ketchup? And the funniest part about it is I'm pretty sure he's getting drunk. Chara sat to my right. "heya. whatcha doin?" she asks me. "I just spent my time fixing chairs with this dude." I said pointing to sans, who was sleeping with ketchup dripping from his chin. Chara laughs as we start to hear a ukulele start playing through the speakers. We look to the left and see a bunch of floats, several was just simple hearts, one was a giant cupid balloon, raining pink flower petals onto everybody. I hear papyrus yell NYEH HEH HEH! a few feet away from us as he showers in the petals. "Wise men, say, only fools rush in... But I can't help falling in love with... you." I hear through the speakers. I look at Chara. "Nice song huh?" I said. She looks at me our eyes lock once again, me and her just stare at each other. Then as if both of us lost control, we start leaning in towards each other, our faces were a CENTIMETER away! Then the moment stopped when Papyrus screamed "GUYS LOOK! IT'S METTATON!" we look at the float heading our way, we see a giant pink mettaton statue with wheels start rolling to us. I look at the top and see Mettaton in a seductive pose with a flower in his mouth. I couldn't help but laugh, I see Chara was laughing too. And before we knew it that was the end of the parade, we start going back to the skelebros' house. We see that pillows and blankets were already set. I'm guessing we are sleeping over which is fine, ever since it was 12:05, Mom gives me a toothbrush, and toothpaste, I was waiting for my turn, we were doing it by two's. First was Undyne and Alphys, Then Sans and Papyrus, then Mom and Dad, then Frisk and Mettaton, then finally me and Chara. I put my toothpaste on my toothbrush, and Chara does with hers. We start brushing, neither of us make eye contact, after what happened, I start to worry that our friendship has changed, which would mean that my worst fears are true. I finish brushing then I walk over to my sleeping bag, then try to fall asleep. I hear Chara go to hers right next to me. I couldn't sleep. About 10 minutes pass. I decide to get up, Everybody was sleeping, and I can hear Papyrus snoring loudly.. somehow. I walk to the porch, and see two chairs right next to the front-door. I sit in one. I stare at the stars. I get mesmerized by it, I could possibly stare at it for hours. Then I hear the door open. I sit up in my chair. It was Chara. She sits down next to me. "why are you up this late?" she asks me. "I-uh couldn't sleep." I said being as honest as I can. "It's okay. I uh couldn't sleep either." She stares at the stars with me. Then I look over at her. This was it, there's nothing else standing in my way. "C-chara.. I" She looks at me, we stare at each other again. "A-azzy.. I" she said leaning in closer. This was when we both realized... we have the same feelings toward each other. We both grab each other by the neck then pull the other until our lips made contact. I closed my eyes, so many images flash into my head, I see me and Chara holding hands, frolicking in the fields, I see me and her getting married.. I see me and her being together.. I open my eyes, and I look at her gorgeous Rubie-colored eyes. We break loose, I look at her with tears in her eyes, and I feel mine fill up too. "I-I love you Azzy." she said with the tears running down. "I l-l-love y-you too!" I said mine running down as well. We kiss again. I don't want to let go. We embrace tightly, I run my hand through her hair. It was so soft. We break once again. We went back to stare at the stars. I start to drift off to sleep, I'm guessing she does too. She lays her head on my shoulder, I chuckle. Then I drift off to sleep as well. 

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