Chapter 2: Rejuvenation

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"I-I-I" I said stuttering. Chara just puts a finger to her lips while floating down. She looks oddly see through and grey. "A-are.." Frisk reassures me. "She's just weak." "She doesn't have enough power to return as a complete person, or to speak." "W-well what do we do now?" I ask the two. "Return you back to your body." frisk said calmly. Both me and Chara look at frisk with wide eyes. "Don't worry you two I have a plan." Frisk said with yet another childish look on her. I noticed she had that "DETERMINED" look in her eye as she said that, which made me feel determined as well. I take a look at Chara, with a smile on her face, not the creepy smile that she used to do, but a heartwarming grin. I feel something again. "Alright let's go" I said.


Wow what a genius I am. I knew that Chara was buried around where those flowers were so I knew that if there was anywhere her soul would roam it would be that room. And of course hearing Flow- sorry Asriel's confessed love for her, I knew that would get her to appear before us. It took some thought and effort but I can't believe it actually worked! "Alright you two let's go home." We walked all the way back to where the barrier used to be, with Chara slowly floating behind us. "You know Chara." I said with a quizzical look as we enter Asgore's former throne room. "What made you fall down here?" Chara looks at the ground with a sad expression. Oh right I forgot she can't speak. "Oh, well I guess I'll tell you guys then." Both Flowey and Chara looked at me interested. "I didn't fall down here for a very happy reason." "I fell down here looking for an end, a-a-." I start to feel tears. "I wanted to kill myself." Flowey and Chara continue to stare at me. "After my parents died from a car crash, and having no friends at school, or anyone else to bother taking care of me I travelled towards  Mt. Ebott, I hear that whoever climbs that mountain never returns." "That sentence stuck with me the entire trip up that mountain." "I was about a mile up on that mountain, when I saw a hole, and obviously I jumped." "I fell for what was about 15 seconds when I landed on those flowers. I think there were so many that somehow they were able to break my fall. And then I saw Flowey, befriended everyone, then freed everyone." I said then finally ended it with heaving a great sigh." Then out of nowhere someone spoke, it was neither me nor Flowey, but it was none other than Chara.


I start to realize how much I have in common with Frisk. I start to feel sadness again, as I remember why I fell down. "I fell down after my parents died after a car crash too." Flowey and Frisk look at me with shock. I was shocked too. "Chara! You can speak!" Flowey and Frisk said in unison. "I-I can!" I know it's something small to be excited about but I know It's another step closer to bringing me back to my physical form. I wanted to hug the both of them but couldn't, I just phase right through them. "Oh, I forgot, haha" Frisk and unexpectedly Flowey laughed too. "It's ok Chara we'll get you back to your physical form eventually!" "Y-yeah!" I felt more determined than I ever had in my life. I look over at Flowey he's... blushing? I've never seen a flower blush before but I decide to ignore it. After that Frisk carries Flowey to the surface and I follow. The sun looked so pretty when it was setting. The three of us just stared at it for what seemed like hours even though it was actually around 5 minutes. "Well it's getting late, I gotta head home our mom will start to be upset." both me and Flowey look at frisk with curious looks. "Our mom?" Flowey asked. "Well she was your mom at some point wasn't she?" she asked. "w-well." Me and Flowey said. "Great." then she ran off with Flowey in her hands.


The three of us end up at Toriel's house. I knock on the door. Toriel opens the door "Oh! Frisk! How long were you out there? I thought you were sleeping in your bed. Oh, and you brought a flower! how sweet!" "Yeah uh, mo-." "Hello Toriel." Flowey said out of nowhere. Toriel screamed. I laughed. "Mom it's ok this is Asri-." I catch my words. I realize Toriel can't know this flower is her long lost son who died many years ago. "This is my friend Flowey." I quickly say. "Oh, well hello Flowey." Toriel said. I breathe a sigh of relief as she still doesn't know who Flowey really is.  The three of us walk inside. I just realized that she doesn't see Chara. Which means her soul isn't powerful enough for anyone other than me and Flowey to see her. "Do you want dinner my child?" Toriel asks me. I shake my head as I am extremely tired from all that walking. "Ok" she said. I walk to my room then slam my face in my pillow. I placed Flowey on my table where the sun would be the next day. I start to fall asleep. When Chara said, "G-goodnight you guys." I sit straight up. "Y-you sleep?" Frisk said before yawning. "No. I'm just wishing you guys a good night." I hear Flowey snoring. "How is that even possible?" I said pointing to Flowey. "I don't know." Chara said laughing. "Alright good night" I said. 

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