PART 2 Chapter 1: The Awakening.

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??? POV: 

I hear a voice. "Wake up... Wake up SETH...! WAKE UP!!!" Then a bunch of images flash In my mind. I see through the eyes of a young boy. I look down and see a girl... crying? Then before I knew it I see yet another blinding flash of light. "AAAAAHHH!!" I scream. I look around and see grey walls, with a bunch of symbols on them. I look down and I see I'm wearing jeans, some shoes, and a cyan sweater. "Where the hell am I?" I ask out in the open. I hear something clank behind me. "WHO'S THERE?!" I yell putting my hands up. That was when I realized something. I have no skin... I continue to stare at my hands. They were just bones! no muscle or sign of wear or anything.. just plain old bones! I don't know what to think about it. I see on the ground a Knife. Somehow I feel like I've seen this knife before. It doesn't look like some ordinary knife though. it was well-crafted it was ruby-colored all over and had an edge sharper than I've ever seen on a weapon. It looks like if I were to touch it my finger would slice in half. I pick it up carefully, and see a name encrypted in the back. 'Chara' Who the hell is Chara? And why do I feel like I've heard that name before? I look around the room to see a grey door slightly open. I go to it, and see blue walls, and sparkling lights on the ceiling. I know they're not actually stars, because I see some on the floor. I go out, a huge cold breeze blew in my face, I feel hair across my head. What the hell am I? I'm nothing but bones, yet I dress and have the physical features of a human! I go continue walking through the place, there were many interesting rooms. I stumble upon one particularly shiny room with a lot of water. I  kneel and look at the water. I get a good view of what I look like. I see I have bandages on my head, right above my eyes, I'm what I already knew, a skeleton. I slowly remove my bandages. "mmmph!" They are well wrapped on my head. I took out the knife then cut from the side, almost by magic the bandages, shambled and fell in the water. The reflection that met me was the same skeleton, but with long wavy chestnut colored hair on top. It was so long it covered one of my eyes!" I blew it away, and take another look at myself. "Heh, well aren't you a devilishly handsome skeleton!" I say to myself. Then I hear footsteps coming towards me. "Oh shi-!" I say as I fall in the water, now everything I have is soaking wet, good thing the water is about as deep as a kiddie pool. so I can sit down without being totally submerged in this oddly-glowy water. "H-Hello?" said someone walking around the corner. I try to get out of the water, but it's kind of hard to get out when you're in a soaked sweater and jeans. "Oh, d-did I scare you?" I look up and see a girl, with beautiful brown hair, a blue sweater with purple stripes, kind of like mine! and blue shorts. "Y-yeah k-kind of." I said laughing. She laughs too. "Come on, let me help you up." she said with the sweetest smile I've ever seen. (Well the only smile I've ever seen since I woke up.) I take her hand, and she helps me up. I dry myself a little by wiping my hands over my clothes. "O-oh! I think I have a towel in here!" she said. She gives me a towel. "Th-thanks." I say. I wipe my clothes as best I can, and my hair, which ironically was the hardest to dry. I give her back the towel and she puts it back in her backpack. I noticed she was blushing the entire time. d-does she like me? I mean this is the first time we've met but I guess I can try flirting.  "W-what's your n-name?" I ask nervously. "Oh! uh Frisk!" I smile. "Frisk huh? That's a nice name." I was about to tell her my name when I feel my head start to hurt. "O-ow!" "W-what's wrong? Are you ok?" She asks concerned. I put my hand on my head. "Y-yeah I'm fine. It's just when I tried to remember my name my h-head hurt." Frisk goes silent. "Is your name Seth?" she asks. That was it! I remember being called Seth! but from who I don't know. "Yeah. My names Seth! But how do you know?" I ask. "It says on your sleeve." She says. I look at the sleeve she was looking at. "O-oh! I uh never noticed that! haha!" I said laughing. She laughs too. Then we start walking through the place. "What monster are you?" she asks looking at me quizzically as we enter some kind of snow area. "I honestly don't know." I said. I was well aware of the HUMANS vs MONSTERS war of decades ago, but something tells me I wasn't either of them. "I don't seem to be either, I dress like a human, but I look like a monster!" I say. Frisk looks at me interested. "All I remember is waking up in a grey room back there." I say.

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