Part 5: Chapter 4: Hopes

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Oh my god. We just arrived at the lake where we saw  multiple flashes of light. We just arrived to see, someone looking similar to Seth that sliced Gaster in half. His blood fell all over Sans. We all could do nothing but stare and watch. The figure looks at us. He had a black sweater with red stripes. He had dark flowy hair, and dark skin. This was not Seth. I could hear Sans sobbing as his Dad turns into dust in his arms. "Well look who we have here. We have a filthy murderer who hates humanity, and yet another filthy murderer who likes stars." He said approaching us. Papyrus stands up in front of us. "YOU SHALL NOT LAY A FINGER ON CHARA OR ASRIEL!" He yells at him. "Who the hell are you?" He says, holding up his crowbar threateningly. "I-Uh AM THE GREAT PAPYRUS!" He says clearly being very scared. "Leave him alone!" I hear Sans say crying. "Well, Papyrus. You don't seem very threatening. So I'm going to let you go. Now if you excuse me, I would like some words with these two. "TH-THE GREAT PAPYRUS WILL NOT LET YOU!! I-I-I" he splutters. "I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself." He looks at Chara. "She knows who I am. I am Reid, nice to meet ya. Oh and um If you don't move I'll slice you in two just like Gaster over there." He says. "I-I UM!!" Papyrus splutters. Reid seems to be loving the fear exiting Papyrus. "What a waste! Such a-" He falls on the ground. We all step back. "Gh! What's h-happ- RUN!!" We see him morph into Seth. He had tears in his eyes. "I-I'm s-sorry, I-I can't st-stop him a-and neither can you s-so RUN!!" He says. He slowly transforms back into Reid. "stupid traitor, you're never getting your body back!" He yells. Sans all of a sudden took advantage of this and covered him in blue bones. "I-ugh don't have much energy left." He said. "Papyrus, Chara, Asriel! run.." He said as he passes out. "SANS!!" We all yell. We all go to his side. We hear maniacal laughing from Reid. We look at him nervously. His crowbar glowed, then the blue bones that he was surrounded in turned Red. "Do you know what Red means?" He asks the three of us. He laughs. "IT MEANS DIE!!" He says as they go in the air and go full speed at us. Papyrus throws Sans in the air. Me and Chara catches him. We look at Papyrus who had a red bone sticking in him. "NO!!" We yelled. "I ugh, that's un-unfortunate. Seth.. If you c-can still hear me, I-I believe in you! You will get through this! I-I k n o w y o u w I l l." He said as he turned to dust. "Chara run." I say. We were both crying. "W-what but Azzy!" "I SAID RUN! I'll take care of this!" I said, slightly doubting myself. There was no way I had a chance of winning. But deep inside myself I knew that there was a chance that I could reach Seth. I feel a burning sensation in my face, I touch it and feel stripes on my face. This must be what Frisk and Chara feel, this must be.. DETERMINATION. I summon the chaos saber, and bring lightning down upon him. He dodges them then bolts at me with his crowbar, his single crowbar somehow matches my two chaos sabers. We look deep in each other's eyes. "Seth, I know you're in there. I-I don't want to fight you!" I said, as I shove him back. "Hehe, Seth is no more. And you know that Dreemurr." He said, as he spin jumps towards me. We clash our weapons as I summon numerous lightning bolts to keep him at bay. "He's just simply watching us duel. He can't reach us by any physical means." He says, while laughing maniacally. I sweat. I had no idea how I was going to get Seth back, but an idea popped in my head. Chara came back when she felt so happy that her determination brought her back to her physical form. I reach out and call Seth's name. "What in God's name are you doing?" He laughs. "Remember when we played Smash Brothers for hours?" I say. I see a silhouette next to Reid. I was almost there. Reid looked at me confused. "Or when we ate Butterscotch-cinnamon pie for breakfast everyday." I say. His silhouette turns into a vision. I can detail his features. "Remember when you, me, and Chara stood up to those bullies?" I say once more. He's becoming more and more visible. "Stop trying to make him remember you. He's completely under my control." Reid says. "Do you remember when we were by each other's side till the very end?" I say, the tears were flowing. Seth was almost whole again. I bring out the big guns. Reid then realizes what I was planning to do, then approaches me. "REMEMBER BEING MY BIG BROTHER?!!" I yell to him. He falls from the sky. He landed on his feet. "Asriel! I-" We both realize what happened. I look down, I see Reid's crowbar poking through my stomach. "I-" I splutter, blood was already coming up. I cough. As Reid pulls the crowbar out I fall face down. "NO!! ASRIEL!!" Seth yells as he goes to my side and hugs me. "no, no, no. You're going to be ok alright? Everything's going to be fine, *sniff* everything's going to be alright, I-I'm here, Azz, I-I'm here." He says as he pets my head. "S-Seth.." I splutter in between coughs and tears. "e-enjoy the future for me, ok?" I say. "I've killed just as many people as you have, the world doesn't need two of us." At this he stays silent. I smile at him one last time.

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