Chapter 46

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As the cloaked figure started recording through his camera, the entire scene is being broadcasted live across the world.

"And now, we're coming to you live somewhere in the middle of nowhere." the cloaked figure narrated, "Welcome to the fate of the hero!"

"What's this all about?" NightBlade asked,

The statue chuckled, "This is the game we're gonna play." it replied, "Or rather, we will give you options."

The cloaked figure lifted himself up into the air and continued narrating, "Here's our special guest: NightBlade! Now, let's begin the game shall we?"

"Indeed," the statue said, "Here's the thing. You see, we intentionally held these two girls just for this very moment."

"Why?" NightBlade wondered,

"To make you choose of course." the statue replied with glee, "On the left cage, we have Maria and on the right we have Justine."

"Rules are simple." The cloaked figure added, "Choose one to save, and the other dies."

"You know I won't let that happen," NightBlade said as he made one more attempt to break free but still couldn't.

"Raise the bar." the statue ordered,

The cloaked figure nodded as he went straight for the lever and pulled it down and up. Suddenly, the two cages were inches closer to the pit of green fire.

"Leave them out of this!" NightBlade shouted, "It's me you want. They have nothing to do with this."

"Then CHOOSE, hero." The cloaked figure told him, "Or else they'll die and it'll be on your hands."

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