Chapter 33

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I run through the trees wildly, desperate to find my Newt.

The shadows are long and dark so that I can never quite tell how far away anything is and I crash through bushes, snapping branches under my feet, then I trip over a root. Stumbling, I throw myself at a tree and clutch it to hold myself up; I can't keep going like this! I won't find him if I break my leg!

I right myself and start to walk, hating the slow progress, looking and listening for any sign of Newt. Then I hear it. A sound right on the edge of my hearing, so faint I almost think I've imagined it, but as I walk it steadily gets stronger, and I know its real.

I cock my head to the side to try and hear better, brushing my hair away from my ear as I walk; then I come fully into hearing range, and I know what it is.

It's Newt, his familiar British voice rising and falling softly, heavy with sadness, and slowly I can make out the words.

**You're the perfect melody
The only harmony I want to hear
You're my favourite part of me
With you standing next to me
I've got nothing to fear**

He's singing our song I realise, and my heart aches for him. I walk carefully forward, following the sound of his voice until I see him; he's sitting on a rock, staring up at the night sky through a window in the canopy of leaves above him and singing softly.

I watch him, seeing how his shoulders rise whenever he takes a breath, and how his lips move to form the words of the song we danced to in the rain. The moonlight shines through the trees and rests on him, making his blonde hair look silver and the tears I now see streaming down his face look like droplets of liquid diamond.

I watch him sing a few more lines, tears streaking down my own face as I stare at him, my heart torn with pain but also overflowing with love, and slowly I step out of the trees, my own voice mingling with his in song.

**Without you, I feel broke
Like I'm half of a whole**

At the sound of my voice, he stops singing and turns toward me, watching me as I slowly walk towards him, still singing.

**Without you, I've got no hand to hold**

He stares at me, then hesitantly stands up and moves towards me, his voice joining with mine again.

**Without you, I feel torn
Like a sail in a storm**

We stop, only a meter apart and look at each other, y/e/c eyes meeting brown and staring deep into each other, both still stained with tears.

**Without you, I'm just a sad song**

Our voices fade, the last sounds drifting away into the star-filled sky above us and silence wraps around us like a veil, feeling as fragile as spun glass; then Newt speaks.

"I'm sorry", he says, breaking the silence and I nod, blinking the tears from my eyes, "I'm sorry too Newtie", I say, but he looks at me seriously. "I mean it", he says, and as I look into his beautiful brown eyes I see everything there that he can't put into words, "I meant every single word I said at the bonfire, and there's so much more that I can't say that I want you to know".

"I know Newtie", I murmur, "but what you said is enough". I take a step forward, and he meets me halfway, wrapping his arms around me in a tight hug and burying his face in my hair, "Oh bloody hell Y/N, I missed you so much" he whispers, his voice slightly muffled, and his whole body starts to shake.

"I missed you to Newtie; I missed you to" I murmur over and over as he breaks down in my arms. Gently I sit us both down on the ground and hold him, rubbing his back and shoulders to calm him down; "I'm right here Newtie, I won't ever leave you again, not for Minho, not for anybody, I'm right here, and I'll never leave you".

!!DISCONTINUED!!  Into The Maze - The First Girl - Newt x Reader x MinhoWhere stories live. Discover now