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Edward eyes me curiously after school as Bella tosses me the keys to unlock the truck. She said that Alice wanted to talk to her for a minute.

"Amelia," Edward speaks once they're several yards away, "are you alright? You seem...anxious." he looks pointedly at my bouncing knee.

"Oh," I stop bouncing it, not even having realized it before, "yeah. Just been a long day is all." I shrug, trying to reassure him with a smile, though I could see it didn't work.

"Take a nap when you get home. It may help." he suggests, stepping away from the truck as Alice and Bella finish talking and make their way over. Bella and Edward say a quick goodbye before we finally leave.

I take Edwards advice and as soon as we get home I head straight to my room and climb under my blankets, barely bothering to take my shoes off.

I'm asleep almost as soon as my head hits the pillow.

Alice is sitting on the island counter, her legs swinging  back and forth over the edge.

"Interesting. And she's seen us?" Carlisle asks, standing near a window.

"Yes." Alice nods. "It's only a matter of time before she finds out. How is up to us.

"If she doesn't already know." Rosalie argues. Edward and Alice both shake their heads.

"No, she doesn't know yet. She will, but every time I see it it's different. We have to come to a decision before I'll know when, or maybe even how." Alice says, her eyes taking on a familiar blank stare.

"Edward has never missed the signs before." Esme speaks softly.

"Can she even control it?" Rosalie looks between Alice and Carlisle.

"Amelia? Amelia, hey kiddo, you awake in there?" Charlie's voice calls from outside my door, ripping me out of my sleep.

"Come in!" I shout sleepily. I sit up, rubbing my eyes as I notice the sky was now dark.

"Brought you some pizza. Thought you might be hungry since you slept through dinner." he laughs, handing me a plate with several pieces of pizza as well as a ranch bottle.

"Thanks dad. Why didn't you wake me up?" I wonder as I pour some ranch onto the plate.

"I tried, you were so tired you wouldn't wake up for more than a few seconds." he sits on the edge of my bed. "Oh." I shovel several bites into my mouth.

"Definitely my daughter." he laughs gently, his eyes full of a fondness that I had missed in my time away. "Your mom hated when I would do that." he shakes his head with a slight smile as he makes his way out of my room.

"She still hates it!" I shout after him.

I stare out my window for some time, long after I had returned my plate and the ranch to the kitchen. I hope for stars in the sky but it was once again, just a little too cloudy and rainy. Every now and then however, there would be a break in the clouds, and I would be able to see a sky full of little lights, millions of miles away.

I let my mind wander to the dream, though I know now it wasn't a dream, but a vision. Ever since Alice came to me, I had been trying to figure out how to decipher what is and isn't a vision. I finally figured it out just the other week, though it makes me wonder what they were discussing. It seemed like Alice had seen something that kept changing, which meant that decisions kept changing, but whose?

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