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"Hello?" I open the front door, the cold air rushing in, causing me to shiver in my tank top.

Standing on the other side is Rosalie, looking somewhat displeased. I freeze for a moment, utterly confused.

"May I?" she gestures past the door, I step aside to let her in, still somewhat shocked to see her.

"Uh hey, Rosalie, is everything alright?" I quickly shut the door after her.

She looks down at her feet for a moment, her gorgeous blonde hair falling down in front of her face before she lifts her head back up to look at me.

"I am here in an attempt to be more...civil." her chin tilts upwards slightly.

"Oh." It was all I could muster for a moment as my brain ran circles trying to figure out what to do.

"Uh well, I don't really...uh." I laugh awkwardly, scratching my neck like my father.

"I didn't think you would be so opposed to it." she almost seemed upset.

"Oh no no, that's not it, I'm not opposed at all. I'm actually glad, I just, I don't really know what to do..." I trail off, hoping that she believes what I'm saying because it is true. I've wanted desperately for Rosalie to like me but after everything I assumed that ship had sailed.

"I assume you didn't have plans?" she looks pointedly at my clothing, a basic tank top with some pj shorts and knee high pizza patterned socks.

"Not really. You know, I was actually hoping to go shopping this weekend, would you want to go?" I suggest, the lightbulb clicking over my head as I remember Alice complaining about my wardrobe and mentioning how it was time I updated it. It clicks then that she knew this would happen.

"I'll wait here while you get changed." she nods stiffly, her hands clasped tightly in front of her body. I wish that I was Jasper or Edward for just a moment, wanting to know what she was thinking or feeling, how to get her to just like me even a little.

I quickly make my way up to my room. I do just a little bit of makeup before I grab a simple black shirt with thin white stripes across it and a simple pair of black mom jeans. I throw on some sneakers and put my hair in simple side braid before grabbing my purse.

"That was fast for a human." she notes as we walk out the door and towards her fancy red car.

"How is your car this clean and shiny when it's always raining?" I gawk at the shine on her car as she unlocks it.

"I have a lot of free time." she smirks proudly.

"I can literally see my reflection. That's actually so cool." I laugh as I open the passenger door, sliding into the seat.

"Thank you." she smiles slightly before peeling out of the driveway and off to wherever she decides.

The drive into town wasn't long with Rosalies speeding. We mostly listened to the radio and made small talk about what I would be looking for.

I hadn't thought much about what I would get but once we got in the store Rosalie immediately made her way to a few specific isles and held random pieces up to me, examining them before either handing it to me or putting it back.

"Are you sure these will look ok?" I glance down at my armful of clothes that looked to be more fitted than I was accustomed to.

"Do you not trust me?" She raises a perfect eyebrow at me.

"More like I don't trust my body." I mumble truthfully. It was true, I'd never liked my body very much, I tried to not think much about it but shopping for clothes was difficult to do otherwise.

"Oh please." Rosalie rolls her eyes.

"I'm serious. I mean look at you, you're perfect. You could wear a potato sack and it would look stunning. I've never once seen you look less than gorgeous. I can barely pull of this." I gesture to my shirt. I was being completely honest.

If I looked up the definition of "out of this world beauty" I would find Rosalies picture with the disclaimer *photo does not do justice*.

"You're being ridiculous. You're right about me but you're wrong about yourself. You're very beautiful, and Jasper is lucky to have scored someone so incredibly out of his league, but don't tell him I said that." she says nonchalantly.

I stood there in shock for a moment. Rosalie had not only been nice this entire time but she had now complimented me. I wasn't sure what to say.

"Ok. Time to try everything on." she says after throwing one last shirt over her arm. From the looks of it, almost everything was for me to try on, but there were a few that simply screamed Rosalie.


"I don't know about this one Rosalie." I sigh through the changing room wall.


"It's just so...eh." I say as I examine myself in the mirror. The pale blue dress was practically a box around my body, the material and shape wasn't flattering at all.

"May I?" she pushes on the door slightly.

"Sure." I nod even though she was still behind the door and couldn't see me, quickly unlocking it.

Once the stall was locked she turned to look at me with a hint of curiosity but was mostly expressionless.

"I see what you mean." She states as she takes in the dress.

I nod in agreement. She starts shuffling through the pile of clothes that had yet to get tried on while I struggled to unzip the dress. Every time I moved my arm it lifted up on that side and pulled the other side down.

"Here." she offers as she turns me by my shoulders. Once it was unzipped she turns around and hands me another dress. I slip it on and she zips it for me before instructing me to turn in a circle.

"How do you feel in this one?" she glances up at me.

This one was a simple black dress that flared at the waist and came down about mid thigh in the front and just below my knees in the back. The sleeves were off the shoulder and perfectly in line with the neckline.

"I like it. It's casual but I could definitely dress it up."

"Alice said we would know it was the perfect dress when we saw it but I think this one is too good to pass on." she unzips it and turns back to the pile.

"She enjoys being cryptic just a little too much." I let out a light laugh, quickly slipping off the dress and setting it aside before Rosalie handed me another.

This dress was a burgundy color with a square neckline. It has full length sleeves and comes down to my upper thighs. I wasn't sure I would have anywhere to wear it but I couldn't deny that I loved it.

I smile at her, my hands running over the sheer fabric. She has me do a spin to get the "full effect" and honestly I love the dress.

"Never bet against Alice." Rosalie mumbles, an almost there smile on her lips.

After I try on everything else Rosalie picked I wound up with a new wardrobe, just like Alice insisted.

"How did you pay for this?" Rosalie wonders once we were in the car.

"Oh. I've tutored kids every summer since I was in like...7th grade I think. I've had a few regular jobs but I haven't really felt the need since I got here. I don't spend much anyways." I shrug.

"I see." Rosalie nods before revving her engine down the street.

"Thanks for today, by the way. It was nice to have a chance to spend some time with you." I say with sincerity, knowing that she would have rather of been anywhere else-except for maybe with Bella-and definitely had better things to do.

"Well...it wasn't the worst experience of my life." the corner of her mouth lifts ever so slightly and had I not been paying attention I would have missed it completely.


rosalie filler because she doesn't get enough love

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