'vampire'~ taehyung

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"that tickles," you giggle as your boyfriend taehyung kisses your neck.

he chuckles deeply, leaving chill bumps on your skin and creating a fire in the pit of your stomach.

his kisses move up your neck, to your jawline, chin and then your lips. he kisses you softly and passionately.

"i love you jagi," he starts. "so much."

"i love you more tae."

"we're not gonna start this again," he says.

you chuckle, "but it's the truth." you sit up and straddle on his lap. "i love you very much, even with all the vampire mess. before you came into my life i was bored as hell. didn't have anything exciting to do and had nobody encouraging me to do the things i wanted to do. and then you came i felt this huge surge of happiness and i didn't want to lose you."

"jagi," he says tearing up.

"awh don't cry," you say feeling yourself tear up as well. you cup his face in between your hands and lean to kiss him sweetly. and then you pull away and rest your forehead on his.

*fades to black*

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