'our space'~ yoongi

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ever since that day you didn't show up to the music room during lunch. it was always yoongi. like how it used to be. you would think that he'd be happy to have it all to him but he actually was feeling bad.

he wanted to make things right.

getting up from the piano he walks out of the room and goes searching for you.

it's kind of difficult since he has only see. you in the music room.

there's only one thing he can do.

he goes to the office and hops over the front desk, making the secretary scold him.

he grab the intercom and presses the button and speaks into the mic.

"y/n y/l/n. it's yoongi. where ever you are, i just want to say i'm sorry."

you look up from your spot in the lunchroom with wide eyes after hearing his apology. all eyes going to you.

"i'm sorry for being a dick."

"min yoongi," the secretary scolds but he waves her off.

"please come back to the music room." he sits down the mic and turns it back off. he looks around, seeing the office people stare at him. he chuckles awkwardly before jumping over the desk again and running out of the office, back to the music room.

watching the clock as he waits for you to walk through the door. his nails are gone, his leg about to fall of from bouncing it so much.


that's the bell.

he let's out a sigh before grabbing his bag. he goes to walk out the room, when you open the door.


you push him back in and close the door behind you.

"y/n i'm sorry for treating like this. it was very wrong of me to do so. and i'm not just saying that because i know who's the piano is. it doesn't matter, i should've just befriended you from the beginning."

"it's ok yoongi. i accept your apology. but this is still your space. you were here first after all."

"no but this is technically your piano. your legacy. and occasionally i like to play it as well as you do. so it's our space. we can share."

"really ?"


im trash at ending shit

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