'your space'~ yoongi

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my space pt2

everyday since that day, it has been a competition you two to get to the music room before the other. whether clipping people in the halls, leaving class before lunch period begins. whatever it takes. and normally you win considering your faster than he is.

and today was just that day, you were in there before him. he walked in the room seeing you sit at his precious piano. having withdrawal since he has lost all week.

"you know what," he says sitting his bag down.

you spin the seat and face him with your arms crossed and a smirk on your face.

"that's enough. i'm tired of playing this little game with you. i've been coming to this room every day since freshman year, playing this instrument. and the. out of no where you show up and mess it all up. so i'm asking you as nicely as i can. give me my piano back."

"and i'm telling you nicely again, i don't see your name on it."

"well your names not on it either."

you scoff and stand up and face the piano. you lift up the part that covers the keys, (i don't know it's call y'all lmao) and hold it. "read what this says."

he bends and squints at the carving in the piano, "lucinda y/l/n." he shrugs, "so what. that's not your name so it's not yours."

"i'm y/n y/l/n."

he eyes widen a bit.

"so your right it isn't my name and it isn't my piano per say but it was my grandmothers. after she passed i decided to have it donated to the high school i would be going to freshman year so i could come and play it whenever i like. the first day rolled around and i was excited. i walked up to the door and i saw someone had the same idea," you say looking him up and down. "i heard the beautiful music you played and i didn't want to disrupt you so i let you play on and on. everyday for the rest of freshman year, and then sophomore, junior until now."


"i thought maybe if i come in here before he'd see me and then maybe wanna be piano buddies or something. friends maybe. well i guess i was sadly mistaken. so please have fun while it last and i'll stay out of your space." you say picking up your bag before walking out of the room. leaving yoongi speechless.

he look down at the piano and the carving of your grandmother's name and ran his fingers over it.

"fuck," he says throwing his book bag on the ground.

part 3 ?

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