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Jin had been waiting in the cafe for almost ten minutes. He was worried that Namjoon might not show up. Normally, he wouldn't worry so much. Jin had been known to be very laid-back and carefree. He didn't care when he heard rumours about him, however untrue they might be. Nobody knew much about the handsome stranger's mysterious past, and almost everyone was keen on knowing more about Kim Seokjin. But Jin shrugged it all off and happily moved forward, without looking back. 

Yoongi was the only person who knew Jin inside and out and Jin knew Yoongi more than himself. On his first day of school, Yoongi barely made it to school and his parents had a really hard time dropping him off at school. Yoongi held his omma's leg tightly, crying. 

"Omma! Don't leave me!" 

He shut his eyes tightly, unable to hold back his tears. His mother walked towards the playground with Yoongi still clutching onto her leg. 

"Yah, Yoongi! Get off!"

"No, omma! Please take me back!

However hard Yoongi tried, his parents finally managed to release his iron grip off. Yoongi pleaded to take him back home with them and he also agreed not to make tantrums anymore. But his parents assured him that he would like school eventually. Yoongi thought otherwise. How in the world he able to survive without his parents? He barely interacted with other kids and always clung onto his parents. He was sure to perish in the hellhole which was supposedly called 'school'.

Yoongi sat on the playground, defeated. After he watched his parents slowly drive away, Yoongi hugged his knees and sobbed quietly. He felt as if all hope was lost. He then heard a voice slowly approaching him. Yoongi didn't want to know who it was, so he clutched his legs tighter. 

"Hi, are you new?"

Yoongi didn't want to look up, but the voice was so assuring that he had to look up. His eyes widened in shock as he saw the most perfect boy he'd ever seen in his life. His beauty was so captivating that Yoongi didn't realize that he had been the staring at the elegant stranger who looked back at him, expecting an answer. Yoongi suddenly shook his head and wiped his tears hastily. The stranger smiled and reached out a hand to help him get up. Yoongi grabbed his hand and slowly got up, still curiously looking at him. 

"I-I'm Yoongi, who are you?" 

The little boy's face lit up. "Hi, Yoongi! I'm Kim Seokjin." He reached out a hand for Yoongi to shake. Yoongi looked at his hand and thought whether or not to shake it. He was already going to die, so he thought, why not try new things? But Yoongi had another thought. What if his parents thought he liked Jin more than them? Then they surely wouldn't want him going to school. The little voice in Yoongi's head laughed maniacally. 

Jin raised his eyebrows suspiciously and watched as Yoongi's mouth slightly curve upward and raise his hand to shake his.

"Let's be best friends."

Jin and Yoongi had grown very close over the years and they knew that Jin wouldn't worry over little things that didn't matter at all.

Namjoon wasn't a little thing at all. There was something about him that Jin felt drawn to. He definitely wasn't the type of person who falls for a person immediately. But Namjoon... was it his eyes? He remembered the beautiful eyes that he couldn't help but stare. One could get lost in them. Namjoon wasn't his type. In fact, he was way off. 

Jin was into the life of the party, carefree type of guys. Namjoon was shy and studious. Jin did a little background check and found out that he had an IQ of 148. Jin was so impressed even though he didn't really like studious boys.

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