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"Yoongii! We're home!" 

Mr Min and Mrs Min had arrived. Mr Min closed the door behind him and Mrs Min expectantly waited for Yoongi. When she saw Yoongi coming down the stairs, she outstretched her arms and grinned wide. Yoongi suddenly stopped and said, "I didn't realize you guys were home."

Mrs Min lowered her arms and frowned. "Not excited to see your parents, Yoongichi?"

Yoongi shrugged. "I was going to head over to Jin Hyung's."

Mr Min laughed. "I think that boy has replaced us." Mrs Min elbowed her husband. "Hey! No one can replace us. We're amazing, right Yoongi?" She smiled warmly, hoping her son would agree with her.

"Well, you guys are barely around.." Yoongi started.

"It's not like we don't want to! Our jobs require a lot of travelling and it's difficult to take you along... And you have to go to school and-"

"It's fine, omma. Besides, I have Jin Hyung. I'm okay." He smiled.

Mrs Min returned his smile. She enveloped her son in a tight embrace. Yoongi groaned loudly. When they pulled back, Mrs Min cocked her head to one side and raised an eyebrow.

"Speaking of Jin, it's been a long time since I've seen that boy. Is he fine? How are his grandparents? Is he dating anyone?"

Yoongi's eyes widened. "Omma! Why would you ask that?"

Mrs Min's eyebrows danced. "Why not? Maybe he could be dating.. someone.. like my son.."

Yoongi's eyes widened more than before. "What?! Me and Jin Hyung? No way!" Thinking about it made Yoongi want to hurl.

Mrs Min shrugged. "I was saying he could be a nice son-in-law.."

Yoongi rolled his eyes and turned towards Mr Min who engulfed him in a hug too. Suddenly, Yoongi heard small voices of...barking?

He turned to find a box moving. Overwhelmed with curiosity, Yoongi reached to open the box. A poodle jumped out and leapt into Yoongi's face. Yoongi fell back and the dog licked his face, yipping happily. 

"Holly?" Yoongi screamed happily. "What's he doing here?"

Mr Min smiled. "Halmoni thought it would be a good idea to send him over because he loves you very much and besides, he is a lot of work for her."

Yoongi sat up and hugged Holly. "I'll take very good care of him, I promise!" Holly was still licking his face with his tail wagging rapidly. 

Mrs Min secretly took out her phone and took a picture. Ha, more soft Yoongi photos. Enough for her to smile in the future. She tucked the phone in her bag and smiled to herself.

Yoongi was still playing with Holly when he suddenly heard his mother's yell from the other room.

"Min Yoongi! What have you done to my kitchen?!"

Yoongi rushed to the kitchen. The sink was filled with unwashed dishes, the countertops were filled with packets of opened snacks and there was a burnt vessel on the stove. His eyes darted back to his mother's fuming face.


".....and that's it. Are you happy now?" Namjoon had told what had happened on his date to Hoseok. Hoseok was smiling victoriously.

"Ha! I told I'd get it out of you!"

Namjoon raised his arms dismissively. "Yeah, yeah. I only told it so that you wouldn't ask about it anymore."

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