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Seokjin. Seokjin. Seokjin was the only person Namjoon was thinking about. He wondered what he must be doing, where he is, and if he could see that handsome face again. What if he never saw him again? What if it was a dream? Nah, Hobi saw him too. But what if Hobi was part of the dream? What if-

"Hobi Hyung, is Joonie Hyung okay? He has been staring into space for like 2 hours."

"Nope! Namjoonie just experienced you know, that thing." Hoseok nudged Namjoon and wiggled his eyebrows. In response, Namjoon elbowed him in the ribs. Taehyung watched his brother's face turn red.

"Experienced what?" 

Namjoon flustered, tells, "N-Nothing!"

Taehyung, confused as ever, looked between his two brothers and eyed them suspiciously.

"You didn't tell me what happened this morning!" Namjoon blurted.

Hoseok, remembering it again, laughed. Taehyung blushed but gave up.

"Fine, I was twerking."

"What?!" Namjoon laughed. "You were...twerking?"

"Ha. Ha. Very funny. Now let's get to your subject."

"You.. were... twerking." Namjoon barely managed to say it before laughing hysterically. 

"I know right! You should've seen it! Quality content I say." Hoseok snickered.

"Come on, it wasn't THAT bad!" Taehyung pouted.

"You tell yourself that, kid." Hoseok reached out to ruffle his brother's hair.

"Tell me what it is, Hyungs! Or else I won't talk to you." The brunet crossed his arms, sunk in his chair and pouted. It was very hard to say no to a face like that.

"Okay, fine," Namjoon said, defeated. "I saw a guy earlier today."

"A handsome guy," Hoseok added. Namjoon ignored him.

"Ahem. As I was saying, he kinda caught my eye." Taehyung nodded, barely catching on.

"Your eye, my butt! You're in love, Joonie!! Just ask him out already!"

"W-What?! I'm not in love!" Namjoon sputtered. "Besides, I barely met him, how in the world should I ask him out??"

Dawning with realization, Taehyung shouted, "What?? Hyung's in love? Who is he? Where is he? How is he?"

Several people in the cafeteria stifled giggles and Namjoon flushed scarlet. 

"Keep it down, will you? And no, I'm not in love!"

Taehyung looked embarrassed and let out an, "Oh."

"This is why I don't tell you things! Now the whole school knows the new kid is in loove." Namjoon said, exasperated.

"Technically," Hoseok started, "the whole school doesn't know that and nobody knows who you're crushing on!"

"Who's the guy anyway?" Taehyung asked.

"Kim Seokjin." As soon as Namjoon let those words out, he saw Seokjin walk towards his friends. Nope, not a dream. Seokjin was real. How could one be so perfect? He saw Seokjin smiling and laughing with his friends. How he wished to be the reason for that beautiful smile.

Taehyung followed Namjoon's intense gaze to see Seokjin.

"That is Seokjin? He looks perfect."

As if on cue, Seokjin looked at Namjoon's direction. Namjoon quickly looked away but he was blushing profusely. Seokjin noticed that and smiled. 

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