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"Who the fudge is she?" Sunwoo cursed breaking the silence.

"How dare she talk to us like that?" Youngjae added.

"New student." Changmin cussed under his breath and stomped his way furiously.

He was then followed by Juyeon, Chanhee and Hyungseo.

The boys were too occupied by Soyeon's statement to notice Sangyeon being indifferent. They had no idea of the twin's identity.

Although it's clear
You break your rules

Soyeon was already back in her classroom trying to take a nap with her arms on the table but she was disturbed by the furious boys.

Changmin kicked the door open and barged in with the rest (aka the 98s). They approached Soyeon and Changmin slammed her table that shocked everyone else except for the girl.

"Who are you to judge us?" He hissed.

He was so pissed by the fact that an unknown girl made such a remark.

Soyeon laid back on her chair and scanned the boys to recall where had she seen them. "Ah, that disappointment is not meant for you guys."

Chanhee scoffed. "Who are you trying to lie to?"

"You were clearly looking at us." Hyungseo sternly said.

"Correction, I was only looking at one of you." Soyeon then stood up, making some screeching sound on the chair. "Make way or I'll pee on your shoes."

With that, the boys parted for the girl to walk out of the classroom.

They were speechless by her boldness and what she said totally makes 0 sense to them.

Who's that girl and what's her problem? Changmin's eyes never leave her back figure till she completely disappears from his sight.

I know it now
You break your rules

After doing her business, she walked back to her classroom. Bell was going to ring anytime soon but she bumped into her twin.

She rolled her eyes and ignored his presence as she walked past by him. Sangyeon was not having it and grabbed her wrist, pulling her back.

She yanked away. "Don't touch me." She glared and he gulped.

"Please, we need to talk." He begged.

"I don't talk to a bully." She snapped and walked off, leaving Sangyeon shattered.

Who is she? Changmin had no ill intention to eavesdrop but he could not help it.

Heart is throbbing
You break your rules

It was only her first day of school, but it seems like a long dreading day. Somehow with her tough image and encountering the bad boys, she managed to scare other students, which is a good thing for her since she wants no disturbance. But the fact that her brother is one of them made her infuriated.

She was walking home when she could sense that she was being followed. And so she made a detour to a nearby crowded cafe. She ordered herself a mocha latte and settled by the window in keeping out of the stalker.

She calmly took sips of her drink as she watched the view outside. Weird... 10 minutes passed and nobody else entered the cafe. Is he waiting for an ambush somewhere?

Awhile later, she left the cafe after she had finished her drink. She was very alert to her surroundings as she took the pavement. Her ears suddenly perked upon the sound of fighting. Not again? She clicked her tongue and her feet brought her to the fight.

She observed intently from far and noticed they were from her school based on their uniform. She sighed and fished out her phone then searched for something.

"I don't usually do this..." She mumbled to herself.

She proceeded to click the recording sound of a police siren and played in the loudest volume. The siren halted the fight and one left in a hurry while another one groaned in pain on the floor.

Soyeon came out from her hideout when the coast was clear and approached the poor soul. "New student?" He squinted his eyes in disbelief.

"Soyeon." She corrected him.

He averted his gaze in embarrassment. "Changmin."

🐿️Why did you do that?🐿️

Break Your Rules ⚘ Ji Changmin ✓Where stories live. Discover now