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Soyeon came out from her hideout when the coast was clear and approached the poor soul. "New student?" He squinted his eyes in disbelief.

"Soyeon." She corrected him.

He averted his gaze in embarrassment. "Changmin."

"Why did you do that?" She asked, more of like scolding him, as she held out her hand.

Changmin was reluctant but took her hand at last. "What?" He replied as he got up with much difficulty.

"I could have handled him myself." She claimed.

Changmin scoffed, totally not buying her words.

Soyeon was already being followed by a stalker and by chance Changmin saw hence he followed them closely. After Soyeon had entered the cafe, Changmin called out the stalker who he recognized as an almighty fighter.


"What in the world, Yunho?" Changmin was surprised.

Yunho snickered. "I heard you were humiliated by her in front of the whole class. Still dare to follow her around?"

Changmin scoffed. "Says the one who was actually following her."

Yunho furrowed his eyebrows and gritted his teeth as he stepped closer, towering Changmin. "Just because we don't touch you guys on school grounds, that doesn't mean you can mess with us outside." He pushed Changmin's chest harshly.

Changmin smirked. "Were you not in school today?"

"What did you guys do?" Yunho frowned.

Changmin shrugged. "You should ask your buddy."

And soon enough, they started throwing punches to one another.

The moment I reach out my hands
You break your rules

Somehow, Soyeon found herself treating Changmin's wounds in the convenience store. She was so used to being alone yet Changmin came to fight for her. Her guts told her to at least treat his wounds before leaving.

Meanwhile Changmin was awkward but not wanting to lose his image, he kept a straight face.

"Do you know Sangyeon?" He broke the ice.

"Nope." She lied with no hesitation.

He knew she was lying but chose to let it slip. "Anyways, Yunho is not an easy person. Once a target is locked, he will keep on pursuing." He warned.

"Whatever. Goodluck to you I guess." She replied flatly and cleaned up the mess on the table.

"You're going off?" She hummed in response and got up.

She left Changmin dumbfounded once again. What's with that girl?

His eyes then landed on a small notebook that fell off from Soyeon's pocket. He reached out to it and looked up to find the disappearance of the girl.

He was being indecisive whether to have a look or just return back to the owner. But by the time he had decided, she had already went too far.

Now how am I supposed to return you? He looked down at his hand that was holding the notebook.

It's not just a simple object
You're even more careless towards precious things

Days went by quickly and Soyeon was still on mute when it came to her brother. Sangyeon had a hard time trying to talk to her. Soyeon would have already left the house when Sangyeon just woke up. And when Sangyeon had reached home, Soyeon already fell asleep. The only time Sangyeon could talk to her was in school yet she managed to avoid him every single time.

It was the weekend when her morning was ruined by loud noises. It was a typical weekend for The Boyz to visit Sangyeon's place early in the morning before they head out elsewhere. But Sangyeon was too preoccupied to share about his twin. He was still sleeping when The Boyz came over.

In a messy nest hair, Sangyeon pushed the clingy ones away. And cursed when he realized they could have woke the beast up.

Indeed she was awake and once again was judging them from the top floor. The Boyz stopped whatever they were doing and followed Sangyeon's eyes.

"What the frick?" Haknyeon started off.

"Why is she here?!" Joonyoung asked.

"You guys are dating???" Chanhee shrieked.

Sangyeon mentally facepalmed.

There was a moment of silence as the confused boys looked at Sangyeon, waiting for his explanation.

"She's my twin."

Another moment of silence til a loud thud was heard. Apparently Soyeon closed the door to her bathroom shut.

Bunch of idiots.

🐿️Stacking misunderstanding on top of one another🐿️

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