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Changmin, who had arrived at school earlier than he usually does, left the school ground when class was about to start. Being a quick wit, he knew Soyeon was having her period and she was suffering from the cramp. And so he headed to a nearby convenience store.

"For your girlfriend?" He was startled when a staff approached by his side when he was looking at the pills section.

"Ahh..." He rubbed the back of his nape, feeling embarrassed.

"How severe is her cramp?" The friendly staff asked.

"Uhm, quite bad." He answered and the staff suggested which one to take. "Any food recommendation?" He asked with extra cautiousness.

The staff laughed and told him what food can ease the cramp etc. which led him to buy quite a number of food since he does not know Soyeon's preference meal and how much she usually eats.

He paid a lump sum but he does not care about it since Soyeon's condition was his top priority. He thanked the staff politely and left the store with a small smile plastered on his face.

"She's Sangyeon sister, that's why." He convinced himself as he looked at the bags full of food.

My dreams are filled with you all night
Now is a chance to make them come true

Back to lesson, Changmin who was supposed to be sleeping was awake as he glanced through Soyeon's direction. She was munching on her dark chocolate sneakily from time to time and Changmin can't help but to chuckle to himself.

Seeing his odd behaviour, Juyeon nudged Hyungseo's side and chinned to Changmin's direction. "Is he crazy?" He mouthed.

Typical Hyungseo and his meme, he shrugged and went back to his pubg game.

"He's always crazy." Chanhee muttered though he was very focused on his game.

"Chanhee." Their teacher sternly called him out.

Chanhee looked up and raised his hand. "Ah sorry sorry." And he hushed.

The thing about these boys is that they are not as bad as people would assume. They just have no interest in lessons. Their teachers all had given up on them, as long as they do not disrupt the class then it's all fine. Well, except for their homeroom teacher whom these boys have grudges on.

Class ended but they were not dismissed as their homeroom teacher popped out of nowhere. The boyz literally rolled their eyes at the sight of her presence.

"Sports' day will be held at the end of next week and I want everyone's participation. Everyone." She heavily emphasized for the boyz to hear. "I need the name list by the end of the day." And everyone groaned as they had to stay back just for that.

Soyeon tapped her feet, feeling anxious behind her poker face. I friggin hate this.

"Class pres!" Juyeon called out the moment their homeroom teacher had stepped out. "We will be in charge of the class tees."

They got the 'ok' signal and got ready to leave. But Changmin was hesitating. I shouldn't be doing this, right?

"Yah, what are you doing?" Chanhee nagged as Changmin was blocking the way.

"Soyeon is also with us." Changmin added and mixed reactions were received.

He made eye contact with the girl who had an unreadable look. He cleared his throat and took his leave with his friends tailing from behind.

"What in the world?" They started bombarding with arms around each other as they exited the classroom.

Soyeon blinked her eyes multiple times and snapped into reality. She also took her leave, leaving her classmates to continue gossiping about her closeness with Changmin.

I heard that all the rules in this world
Exist because they are meant to be broken

It was late night and typical Soyeon was already asleep but she woke up to the sound of the door. Indeed, she's a light sleeper, just like her twin. Except when they are extremely tired, they would be dead sleeping.

Sangyeon just got home and dragged his feet to the living room before plopping on the sofa aka his bed. He was so worn out that he did not notice his twin's presence.

"Hey." She called out and he almost cursed.

Shook by the fact that his twin was standing in front of him at that timing, completely woke him up from his worn out. "Yeah?"

"Can you pass me Changmin's number?"

🐿️Random much but why?🐿️

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