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"Okay, we've known you for fricking 7 years and now you're telling us you have a twin?" Hyunjae hissed, not wanting Soyeon to hear while she was in the bathroom.

"Wait, you left her alone??!" Joonyoung snapped earning gasping from the rest.

"Under your parents' care???!" Hyunjoon added.

Sangyeon deeply sighed and nodded.

They knew he ran away from home when he was 10 and how bad his parents were. But they had no idea he had a twin.

"She must have really hated you a lot..." Juyeon made a remark.

"And she saw us beating up Wooyoung..." Sunwoo reminded them.

Sangyeon sighed once again. "That's the thing... I have yet to find the correct time to talk to her."

Footsteps were then heard and Soyeon was seen dressed up in a tee and pants.

"Where... are you going?" Sangyeon asked.

Avoiding their eye contacts, Soyeon walked past the boys and put on her shoes. "Work." And she left.

Sangyeon let out another sigh.

"If she's really your twin, you need to beware of Yunho..." Changmin words trailed behind, eyes still on the closed door.

The boys turned their head, perking at their no.1 enemy's name. "Don't tell me-"

"Yeah, he is. He was following her the other day." Changmin looked at his friends, cutting Youngjae's words.

"Oh god..." Sangyeon slumped down in his seat.

You break your rules
Now you wake me up

To have enough allowance, Soyeon worked as a freelance designer. It had not been that long since she started but she had multiple works with small companies. They were pleased by her artwork that some came back to her for their other projects.

She usually goes to a cafe to do her work. As she was engrossed designing a poster, her mind started to wander off how her brother has been living for the past 7 years. Did aunt support him? She has always been pampering him since young...

The thought of it had her rolled her eyes internally. She shook her head vigorously and woke up. Do your work dumbass.

At the same time, Changmin was pacing back and forth with Soyeon's notebook still in his grasp. Just then, Youngjae ran past him to use the washroom.

His eyes lit as an idea popped out.

"There's another washroom upstairs right?"

"Yeah, just don't touch her stuff." Sangyeon answered as he was immersed in cooking.

Nice. He walked up the stairs and scanning the room, trying to find the suitable place to return her notebook. He then placed it on her desk and went back down to the living room.

I can't believe it
You break your rules

Soyeon reached home greeted by no one. As expected, Sangyeon was out whenever she got home.

The first thing her eyes landed on was her small notebook that was placed on her desk. She squinted her eyes and approached closer. "I thought I lost it... Why is it here?" She talked to herself as she was in disbelief at the sight.

She fiddled through her book that contained her daily life quotes. She put on her small smile.

It may be nothing, but to her these quotes gave her inspiration and motivation. She could have typed it on her phone but she choose to write and bring it around instead, as if she was still living in the old days. It's just some little things that you treasure that only you can understand.

🐿️Treasure and appreciate what you have🐿️

Break Your Rules ⚘ Ji Changmin ✓Where stories live. Discover now