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Soyeon found her peace at the rooftop of the school building. She skipped her lessons, indeed. Only to return back to class to get her things after school had ended.

"Where were you?" Changmin asked.

He was all there in an empty class, waiting for her return. He knew she would be back and so he stayed back.

"Leave me alone for fck sake." She replied flatly as she walked to her desk.

"Not until sports day." He said and she shot her death stare. He shrugged. "That's what you said initially."

She rolled her eyes and grabbed her bag. She was stopped when Changmin spoke more.

"You do know the real reason why your twin does that right?"

"And just so you know, fighting is not the solution to everything." She made her remark and left.

Changmin sighed as he rubbed his nape. "What do I do with that girl?"

It's not just a simple object
You're even more careless towards precious things

It was dawn when Soyeon woke up to do her business. After dragging her feet back to her bed from the washroom, she turned and looked down, observing her twin sleeping with his blanket all over the place.

She sighed to herself and slowly walked down the stairs and approached her twin. Once again, she fixed the blanket and this time, her hand reached out to his hair.

"Why did you have to fight?" She murmured and her fingers slowly traced down Sangyeon's injuries that were not treated. "Are you that busy?" She added and stood up to get a first aid kit.

She returned back and with much care, she treated his wounds without disturbing his sleep. After which, she left his side and went back to sleep before school started.

That was what she thought. All along, Sangyeon was awake the moment he heard footsteps. But choose to close his eyes tight. He had mixed feelings that he began to tear up. I'm sorry...

It's hard to judge
I must still be dreaming again like last night

Days blinked very fast with not much interaction between Soyeon and The Boyz.

It was sports day and Soyeon of course sat alone at first but with clingy Yunho joining her, she quickly went away and sat somewhere near The Boyz instead where she knew Yunho could not come alone to disturb her unless his friends were there.

But his friends just could care less about school and especially these kinds of events so they did not even bother to come to school. Yunho? She was the reason why he goes to school on most of the days that he was bored.

I'll surely make you mine someday. He gritted his teeth as he watched her back figure.

Changmin somehow got the gut feelings to turn back and noticed how close Soyeon was. Such coincidence he met Yunho's eyes and he sneakily pulled out his middle finger.

Yunho was pissed off that he stomped his way out without getting caught by teachers.

🐿️In need of more savage Changmin🐿️

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