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Soyeon heard clicking sounds then she rubbed her closed eyes to slowly open it and caught her brother taking photos of her with Changmin's arms on her waist.

"Ahhh bro..." She mumbled with her raspy voice.

Changmin smiled to himself and snuggled closer to her warmth. "Sleep awhile more." He whispered and she hid her face on his chest, going back to sleep.

Sangyeon totally adored the new couple and snapped a few more photos before heading down back in preparing to welcome the shameless unwanted guests.

You're glimmering
The moment I open my eyes
You're here

Weekends flew by real fast with the couple focusing on their respective works. Mid terms approaching and Soyeon managed to force her boyfriend to study while she did work on her freelance.

If one wants to graduate, at least pass on your exams. Of course she wants her brother, her boyfriend and her friends to pass and graduate together with her.

Monday came and almost everyone was aware of the new couple though it was only established a few days before. Soyeon slapped his arm, blaming him for making their status obvious. While Changmin could only gawk in disbelief and blamed her back.

"They just can't stop bickering, don't they?" Juyeon commented as they watched the bickering couple at the other end.

Soyeon was on her seat whereas Changmin dragged a nearby chair and placed it beside her to spend a little bit more time together before lesson starts. What an almighty fierce couple.

Their class was totally fine and used to the boyz eating there since the image they had on them had changed. They had the wrong perspective of the boyz to begin with. Technically as long you don't get on the boyz's bad side then you're safe.

"Oppa!" Here comes an unknown yet familiar girl entering from the front door.

"She's younger than us?" Soyeon whispered to her boyfriend.

"No, older. And she repeated one year." Changmin whispered back, in clearing Soyeon's doubt.

She nodded her head. "But why is she here?"

"I have no idea, maybe she just transferred here."

"Didn't she just go on a date with that rich dude?"

"I know right? Slut bitch indeed."

"She cheated on my brother right?"

"Yeah, you're smart huh?"

"Shut up."

They observed the clingy girl running to Sangyeon's side as they whispered to each other.

Caught on their sneaky whispers, Sangyeon's ex darted her eyes at Soyeon.

"Who are you?" She asked with a disapproving face as she used to be the only girl in the boyz yet now there was another girl that she was not aware of.

"Someone you shouldn't mess with." Changmin replied on behalf of his girlfriend, earning some smiles from their classmates.

Soyeon returned the gaze with her uninterested eyes. "Once a cheater, will always be a cheater. I saw you at ZXC cinema last Friday clinging on to some bulky rich man." She paused as she caught the infuriating look. "Do you want me to expose more?" She teased.

"Shut up." The ex hissed.

"Then fk off, you bitch." Soyeon shot her infamous icy cold glare to the latter.

"You watch out." She pointed at her, gritting her teeth.

"YOU should be the one watching out." Changmin added. "Mess with her, and you're in deepshit."

"What the hell are you doing here, slut?" Yunho made his sudden appearance.

Soyeon turned to Changmin for explanation. Changmin chuckled. "This slut dated Sangyeon and Yunho at the same time during middle school."

Now that makes sense why Yunho backed off easily when I told him Sangyeon is my twin...

"Oh!? it's been so long~" The slut continued putting on her shameless act in front of everyone.

Soyeon cringed. "Why do such people exist?"

"To disturb our peace." Changmin shrugged.

Yunho yanked away the slut's touch. "I can't believe you're here, but either way if you mess with her, I'll make sure to kill you."

"W-what?" She was taken aback.

"I don't repeat my words."

Slut laughed speechless. "What's so great about her? You like her too? She looks like she's Changmin's toy, why would you still go for her?"

"Oof I'm a toy, interesting." Soyeon made a soft sarcastic remark that was only audible for those nearby to hear.

Changmin nudged her side for being sarcastic. "Stop it~" He almost cracked into laughter as well as their classmates.

"Hey slut, just scram off. Still dare to show your face despite everything you did? Mess with our princess, Yunho or Sangyeon, you will definitely get it from us." Sunwoo snapped, clearly had enough of the bullshit.

Embarrassing took place slightly late, she stormed her way out angrily, giving cold shoulders to Yunho who did not even budge.

"Thanks bro." Yunho saluted.

"Got your back."

Soyeon was the first girl that had made Yunho feel sincerity in his love. Not that he changed drastically, but once in awhile he would put his thoughts on his actions in whatever he does. And ever since he pointed out Gojoon's case, the boyz felt indebted to Yunho and hence their love-hate friendship bloomed.

🐿️ Stan ATZ and TBZ 🐿️

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